Yoga Vasistha Knowledge Series

Ramayana is the story of Rama's travels in the outer world; Yoga Vasishtha is His inner journey.

When Prince Rama loses all sense of meaning and purpose in life, Maharshi Vasishtha illumines him with knowledge about Reality. Yoga Vasishtha is a glorious conversation between a Master who knows the Self and an able disciple who is qualified to know It.

In these weekly sessions, we'll be going through the different ideas and the many stories through which the Self or Brahman is explained in the text.

Episodes 1-7 were covered in the talks that took place in May-June, 2016. Episodes 8-10 will be webcasted live in July.

The narration would be in English with live translation in Russian, Chinese and Spanish.


More About Yoga Vasistha


  1. Deal with practical daily life in a happier state of mind.
  2. It provides an understanding of scientific ideas about consciousness and our perception of the world.
  3. Helps one to channel their energy and creative power for a better quality of life.




"I had not read Yoga Vasistha completely. I used to start and not continue as I thought I may not be ready for it as I could not understand anything. :) Your talks were so engaging and enlightening that I am ready to go through the journey of confusion!!"

Sarika Prasad

"People waited for Friday or Saturday evening but not for Sunday evening until you started #YogaVasishtha. Usually people don't feel great about being confused.But you made us confused and at the same time, we were happy about being so much confused."

Nanddeep Nasnodkar

"Nakul Dhawan’s humorous way of putting across the knowledge of Yoga Vasistha makes it so easy to understand. It’s definitely something that’s not to be missed!"

Deep Narayan Tripathi

“Whenever your mind is troubled because of something, just sit back and listen to Yoga Vasistha. All your troubles will vanish in a matter of a few minutes.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Excerpts from Yoga Vasistha