
Search results

  1. What does faith mean in our daily life

    God does not wish you to have more faith because it will mean more work for Him. Then you will start to control Him and He will have to run behind you. God is the servant of faithful servants; He does not want too many servants telling Him what He should ...
  2. What is desire and how to manage them?

    All desires are for happiness. That is the goal of every desire, isn’t it? Yet how often does your desire lead you to the goal? Have you thought about the nature of desire? It simply means joy tomorrow and not now, doesn’t it? Joy is never tomorrow. It is ...
  3. How to deal with blame?

    When someone blames you, what do you usually do? You blame them back or you put up a resistance in yourself. How do you feel when someone blames you? Hurt, unhappy, sad, heavy? This is all because you are resisting! What you resist, persists. You get hurt ...
  4. Discovering inner strength

    Sanjaya, the youngest son of King Dhritarashtra had great inner vision, and he was an expert in seeing things happening far away. So, the king took his help to see what was happening in the Mahabharata war. That's the very first lesson of the Bhagava ...
  5. Secrets to a happily-ever-after relationship

    It's only through words that conflicts begin. It's only through words that people have fun, and it's only through words that people gain wealth. So, words should be used sparingly.  Usually when people have misunderstandings, they say, “Let ...
  6. Managing Expectations

    Goals are needed in life. So, set some goals and keep moving in that direction. An aimless life will lead to depression. But, when you have a goal, “I have to do this, I have to learn this, I have to do this seva”, then that aim will move your life in the ...
  7. Your Quest: Ask Sri Sri

    You can post your questions to Gurudev here. If your question is selected, it may be asked in the satsang. However, due to the large number of questions we receive, it may not happen the same day that you post. It may be a good idea to do a keyword search ...
  8. What Is Shiva?

    Shiva- The Cause Of All Causes Shiva can be split as Sha + ee + va where • Sha stands for shareeram or body •  Ee stands for eeshwara or life giving energy •  Va stands for vayu or motion Thus Shiva represents the body with life and motion. If the ' ...
  9. Yoga For Beginners

    . What is Pranayama? 2. What is Sudarshan Kriya all about?   3. Prana, Aura and Energy   4. The Dance of Yoga     5. The Definition of a Healthy Mind                       ...
  10. India and its Ancient Spiritual Wisdom

    . The Meaning of Tantra 2. The highest knowledge of the Universe 3. What Are The Vedas?   4. Significance of Raksha Bandhan     5. Significance of Gaytri Mantra                       ...