What others are saying
Super Brain Yoga exercises to boost your gray matter
Every day after you wake up, the health of your body sets the tone for the day.
Listed: A-Z incredible benefits of meditation
Meditation is relaxation. It is not about concentration, it’s actually about de-concentration.
7 Powerful Remedies to Balance Pitta Dosha Naturally
Pitta is derived from the root word ‘tapa’ which means ‘to heat’.
Bhramari Pranayama - Humming Bee Breathing
The Bhramari pranayama breathing technique derives its name from the black Indian bee called Bhramari.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder, The Art of Living Foundation
Sri Sri has brought yoga, meditation and practical wisdom to millions of people in over 150 countries.
"Whenever you are in love and feel joyous, your mind is in the present. That is when you achieve yoga. The art of living lies in being in the present moment."