Human Life Is Very Precious

27 April 2013

Nusa Dua, Bali

Three things in life are very important: Passion, Dispassion and Compassion.

Passion is required in life. Only when you have passion, are you able to do any job, achieve anything. So we need to have passion. Dispassion is also needed, along with passion. Passion alone will not work. There are people who have a lot of passion but that tires them, wears them out very quickly. Sooner or later, they suffer from a burnout, and sometimes they get depressed. This is because they have a lot of passion, but they don’t get the desired result. Thus, with passion you need dispassion. It is like a safety-valve. It brings sanity and keeps you sane. It is like, breathing in is passion, and breathing out is dispassion.

There is something much higher than these events, these happenings, and this life. There is something much more mystical. Something which is so much more real than the so-called real world. Accepting that gives life a bigger dimension.

Compassion is also needed along with dispassion and passion. With dispassion you can get good sleep, with passion you can accomplish things better and with compassion, your personality will shine. We need to have compassion, dispassion and passion; the balance of all these is very vital in life.

Then, you need to know where you need to be compassionate, and how much. If your child is crying not to go to school, you can’t be compassionate there and say, ‘Oh I am too compassionate, let the child not go to school, let him stay at home’. No! If someone is doing wrong things, someone is into drugs and alcohol, spoiling their life, you can’t say, ‘Oh I am so compassionate towards them.’ Here, your compassion is in firmness. You need to be firm. So this is all about life; how we can interact.

Now, there is something much higher than these events, these happenings, and this life. There is something much more mystical. Something which is so much more real than the so-called real world. Accepting that gives life a bigger dimension. It lifts your eyes from the normal day-to-day routine worldly living, to a truth that is higher.

Just imagine, this Moon has been there for so many billions of years; the Earth has been there for 19 billion years, and how long have you been here? A short period of time. Think about it, maybe 50 years, 60 years, or 30 years? How long will you be here for? Another 30-40 years, that’s it! Finished! However, our mind says, ‘No! I have been here forever!’

Often you find that, even though you see children growing up, still you feel you are the same. How many of you have this experience? ‘Children are all grown up, yet, I am the same, I have not aged at all.’ This is true. There is something in you, which does not accept that you are born or you will die. In the spirit, in the mind, there is something deep inside you – the Self, which does not age, does not change at all, even though everything around you changes. And the Self was there even before this birth. This is not the only birth; we have been here many, many lifetimes.

Suppose someone remembers only one day at a time. The next day they forget what they were yesterday. Or imagine someone’s memory is so short that they only remember what they did from morning till night; they don’t remember anything from yesterday, or think that there will be a tomorrow. It is like those people who suffer from amnesia, who don’t remember anything. We are all in a similar state of mind. When someone is so fully drunk, they forget everything else. They don’t remember anything. Similarly, we don’t remember that we were here before, and we are going to be here again, and for thousands of years we will continue to exist. We need to look at this reality. Then life really assumes a broader dimension.

Here, in Bali, have you seen there are all these little temples? There is no idol inside the temple. Do you know why? Because it is for our ancestors. They keep a proper little seat for the ancestor’s spirit. There are temples for gods too. There are so many gods, they all come, sit there, bless you and take care of you. This is the belief here. Actually, it is not just a belief, it is a reality as well.

There are many levels of reality: First is the Light, the Supreme, the One God, not too many gods, only one, which is Paramathma. Below Paramathma, there are many different energies or angels, or gods and goddesses. Below these energies or angels or gods, there are various spirits. Below these spirits is the manifest world that we see. So, what we see is the manifest world; then there are subtle energies, which are good and bad; above that are gods, ancestors; and then there is the Paramathma or the Divine, or the God, or whatever you call it.

This world is layers of layers of layers of reality; of truth. So, when you leave this body, your spirit goes and stays in another realm for quite some time, till it gets another body to come back. This life, our human life, is very precious because from this life you can merge with the Light. In this life, you can express love. The human body is very, very precious.

Do you know what happens when you meditate? You are creating a rapport with the other realms of reality. When your mind is still, when meditation is happening, you are purifying every cell of your own body, and you are spreading positive energy all around you.

As I said, you have all these little temples here? That is to indicate that the Divine is formless, but makes its presence felt here, which is why it is said, feeling the presence. Just like the memory. When you remember your mother, or father, or grand-father who have crossed over, they are always there, in your mind, right? Their presence can be felt, the memory can feel them; they are present in your memory. In the same way, different deities, angels or gods and goddesses exist for each part of our body. Every part of the body is ruled by a particular deity. As we remember them, the presence comes up; we feel the presence.

This belief exists in almost all the traditions of the world; from Mexico, South America to Mongolia. However, just belief will not work. Do you know what happens when you meditate? You are creating a rapport with the other realms of reality. When your mind is still, when meditation is happening, you are not only purifying every cell of your own body, but you are spreading positive energy all around you. Your meditation brings peace and joy to people who have already passed and gone to the other side, which is very, very important.

When you are silent, you are not putting things into the mind from the world; you are letting yourself free, cleansing the body, and cleansing the mind. During this time, some thoughts may bombard your mind. Some old things may just come and bother you. Never mind, don’t be scared. The fact you are sitting is good enough. Whatever happens is all for good. If old thoughts are coming and bothering you, never mind, they just come and they go. Nevertheless, keeping silent is very, very precious, not just for you, but also for the subtle creation. For the world also, because you are creating such positive vibrations every minute you are in silence, every minute you are meditating!

In addition, the full moon, the ocean and meditation, all go very well. The mind is agitated if it is involved in too much activity. Time to time, as you take yourself back from activity, then agitation disappears, meditation wells up.

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