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  1. Mullah Nasruddin and Flavors of Success

    Mullah Nasruddin is a satirical Sufi figure whose name is used in numerous stories to add a touch of wit and humor. His funny anecdotes make people burst into fits of laughter. Different people, same goals – Success, Happiness. What is a measure of succes ...
  2. 6 Reasons Why Your Meditation Might Not Work

    Nancy and Anisha are best friends. They are so close that one blindly follows the other. One day, Anisha joins a meditation course. Naturally, Nancy too wants to do the same, but her work hours clash with the course timings. Unable to join the class, Nanc ...
  3. Health Tips for Pregnant Women

    Pregnancy brings with it excitement as well as lots of changes in the body and mind. A few tips on enjoying this beautiful period with more happiness and comfort. So, the good news is here: you are pregnant! And you sure are pretty excited. The very feeli ...
  4. Meditation & the Consciousness

    There are various states of consciousness that we can have. Meditation is one of the most important of them. Following are normal states of consciousness We are awake experiencing the world through the 5 senses. In absence of any one of these we lose the ...
  5. Mantra Meditation

    The peace and happiness we feverishly seek in the world are already contained within us, covered only by the clouds of stress and strain. These clouds are lifted with Sahaj Samadhi meditation – a gift of wisdom from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. This is a ...
  6. Meditation & The Memory

    Memory can make you either sad or enlightened. Meditation can bring that shift in your memory – to let go of the trivial, and to recognize your infinite nature. Holding On To The Limited & Trivial How often is our mind churning with unpleasant memorie ...
  7. Meditation & The Ego

    'When you are in a group, and there is discomfort, this is because of barriers, of the ego. Take a deep breath, watch the discomfort, it will disappear.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. What Is Ego? Ego says, "I am something, I am somebody, I am v ...
  8. Meditation & the Senses

    We have five sensory organs- eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. Meditation can happen when there is harmony in the five senses. When you sit for meditation, observe all your sensory organs. Observe your breath and eye movement. Is your breath steady? Is t ...
  9. Meditation & The Body

    Meditation and The Body- For Better Health "Our body is a precious gift to us. So honor your body" We have to keep our body sacred, as it is a mobile temple. The English word "nerve" is derived from the Sanskrit word 'nar'. I ...
  10. Meditation In The School

    Schools play an important role in nurturing children to grow up into responsible adults and good human beings. The teacher has a great responsibility towards the development of students. Meditation can help teachers to be calm and confident in dealing wit ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More