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  1. Yes+ testimonial0

    Artist I am a compositing artist. YES!+ course helped me increase my confidence level drastically I, increased my focus and concentration while working,It has also increased my ability to think creatively.And my stress levels have really gone down. I work ...
  2. Intro Video

    Od80DFjYVv4 ...
  3. Sri Sri Yoga testimonial-taiwan

    Sri Sri Yoga is done with so much fun, joy and love, you can‘t but love Yoga. ...
  4. Testimonial001

    “I had an unforgettable experience during the Sudharshan Kriya. I just wanted the experience to go on and on.. It’s a journey to love. That beautiful experience will stay with me forever. With regular practice of this unique breathing technique, I have be ...
  5. Artists meditation camp, Bangalore

    Artists meditate and create new colors of ideas on their pallete The Art of Living has been promoting art and culture through its various events. In January 2010, Antarnaad, the musical symphony in Pune, several artists created a symphony of expressions o ...
  6. Testimonial4

    "..studying called for putting in a lot of effort. Would get tired after studying. Also, concentration was difficult. There used to be a lot of distraction like TV, friends etc. But now after doing the course, I can read for hours together without an ...
  7. Testimonial3

    "An awesome experience. The techniques that were taught were simple, yet powerful. After doing the course, I found that whenever I practiced the Kriya and the pranayama, I would feel alert and refreshed throughout the day. It taught me to enjoy the s ...
  8. Testimonial2

    "The course has helped me be a better observer of myself and my behavior. The result.. calmer mind, which in turn has helped me become more effective and productive." ...
  9. Testimonial1

    "A very refreshing, calming experience in this crazy, fast-paced world. I am definitely more focused and relaxed after taking this course. I would whole-heartedly recommend it to everyone." ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More