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How to dispel dark thoughts from your mind
We all go through dark times in life. Depression, aggression, anger and disillusionment. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains how to overcome these gloomy emotions. 1. How to go from depressed to de-stressed People are aggressive and depressed in societ ... -
Five tips to get rid of anger and its ‘cousins’
In Hindu mythology, there is a story about Lord Vishnu and his battle with anger. Two demons, Madhu and Kaitabha, born from the dirt of Lord Vishnu’s ear, troubled the lord. Madhu means ‘anger’ and Kaitabha means ‘hatred’. Lord Vishnu fought for a thousan ... -
How to deal with Humiliations?
Know that humiliation does not weaken you- It strengthens you. When you have a sense of belongingness, you do not feel humiliated. The more egotistic you are, the more humiliation you feel. When you are childlike and have a greater sense of kinship, then ... -
Why Does The Mind Constantly Seek Pleasure
The mind that seeks pleasure cannot be centred. When you are centred, all pleasures come to you anyway, but they cannot charm you any longer because you are the source of the charm. The mind that seeks pleasure can never achieve the highest. And if you en ... -
How to deal with rude behaviour?
What do you do when someone behaves very rudely towards you? • Get upset • React rudely back • Get frustrated • Run away and avoid the person or situation • Blame the person • Preach to the person None of these will in any way strengthen you. Then what ar ... -
How to deal with desire?
A boy asked a question, and before Gurudev could answer, he was ready with another question. To this Gurudev said, “If you hold on to the question, how will you receive the answer?” Give away the question to me and then you will find that you are already ... -
What does faith mean in our daily life
God does not wish you to have more faith because it will mean more work for Him. Then you will start to control Him and He will have to run behind you. God is the servant of faithful servants; He does not want too many servants telling Him what He should ... -
What is desire and how to manage them?
All desires are for happiness. That is the goal of every desire, isn’t it? Yet how often does your desire lead you to the goal? Have you thought about the nature of desire? It simply means joy tomorrow and not now, doesn’t it? Joy is never tomorrow. It is ... -
How to deal with blame?
When someone blames you, what do you usually do? You blame them back or you put up a resistance in yourself. How do you feel when someone blames you? Hurt, unhappy, sad, heavy? This is all because you are resisting! What you resist, persists. You get hurt ... -
Discovering inner strength
Sanjaya, the youngest son of King Dhritarashtra had great inner vision, and he was an expert in seeing things happening far away. So, the king took his help to see what was happening in the Mahabharata war. That's the very first lesson of the Bhagava ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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