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  1. Why do people cheat? Is it because they don't love their spouse?

    No! Not everybody who loves cheats, but anyone who cheats, it is because they love their wife or husband very much. Do you know why? If there is a fight between truth and love, love will win, truth will fail. Cheating means what? Telling ...
  2. Gurudev, how does a master decide, how much truth is to be revealed and how much to be concealed as the listeners may be on different stages of their spiritual growth.

    Real master does not make any effort at all. He has purity in heart, clarity in mind and spontaneity in action. ...
  3. How does one qualify to become a spiritual leader?

    Is there a way to become a spiritual guide? I don’t think so, and I don’t know. I don’t know if there is a way at all! You may ask me how I became a spiritual guide. I just know that whatever I learnt, I kept sharing with other people, ...
  4. Gurudev, I am not able to put an end to the doubts and suspicions in my relationship, and I do not want to end my relationship because of this. What should I do?

    That’s it. Knowing this is enough. Now you know that no matter how much you have doubted your relationship, it has brought you no results at all. This much you are convinced about. So just move ahead now. Everything in life moves according to some mysterio ...
  5. Gurudev, I am a victim of one sided love, always. Please give me some idea or tips to make it two sided.

    I have no experience in this. Let’s think. All problems are caused by love only. There are two things. One is people express their love too much, and then there are others who do not express it at all. Both are no good. If you express yo ...
  6. Gurudev, every Master in history has said, 'My way is the best'. Although on the surface it looks like a narrow minded thought, what is the deeper meaning behind it?

    Jesus Christ had said, 'All those who came before me were robbers and thieves'. Do you know why he said that? Because people who were sitting in front of him were thinking either of the past or future. They were glorifying the past, or expecting ...
  7. Gurudev, receiving unconditional love from you has become such a habit that whenever I get into a relationship, I look for the same love in the other person, and none of the relationships work out for me. What do I do?

    Actually, I am not qualified to speak about the secret of relationships! However, I will tell you this, you may pour all your love on somebody, but you should also see how much love they can take. When water is falling with a lot of force ...
  8. Why is it that when one becomes closer to the spiritual master, he is faced with more difficulties in life, and why does he not give up?

    Yes, there are some who like challenges, they love challenges. Otherwise why would people go on a sailboat around the world? Why would they go and start climbing Mount Everest? Because people like challenges. It is the ego which wants some big challen ...
  9. Beloved Gurudev, I usually feel complete only when I am in a relationship. How do I overcome this tendency because I suffer?

    Well, this is very difficult. When you are in a difficult state, then any advice appears to prick you like thorns, and nothing really makes much sense. You have simply asked a question; we sympathize with you. You know, there are five types of questio ...
  10. Gurudev, why is that a lot of enlightened masters, who healed so many people, had to undergo a lot of suffering?

    See, there is no suffering for the soul, or for the mind. It is the body which has its limitations. If you stretch the body too much, then definitely the body will have to undergo its routine. So the body will have cold and cough, and all these illnesses d ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More