Yoga for Health and Wellness
Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and...

Sun Salutation Mantras | Chants for Surya Namaskar
The Sun sustains life on earth. We exist because of the sun. Our ancient seers acknowledged this by revering the...

Yoga for backache- Discover the strength of healing through Yoga
General reasons for backache* - Sitting or standing for long...

Yoga for Seniors - Gentle Exercises
Dinesh Kashikar, teacher, shares tips on how yoga can help seniors...

Yoga – The Natural Immunity Booster
As the seasons change, the chances of falling sick rise sharply....

5 Yoga Poses to Fight Swine Flu
With Swine Flu spreading like wildfire, the panic amongst people has been on the rise too. To prevent this deadly...

Stay Young with Anti-Aging Yoga
The next time you are watching your favorite soap opera, pay close attention to the commercials and you’ll find...

Unfreeze Your Shoulders with Yoga
In this modern age and times, our physical bodies tend to take...

Yoga to Relieve Constipation
Yet another day and I truly hope it's different. No more frequent...

How Yoga Can Keep You From Joint Pain
Do your knee joint or wrists or shoulders ache when doing trivial...

How To Cure Thyroid With Yoga
“Ten years ago, I only knew of thyroid disorder through school textbooks. It was only a medical condition to me...

Tackling Diabetes Naturally with Yoga
Diabetes is a multi factorial disorder essentially resulting from lack of proper exercise, inappropriate food habits...

Overcome Smoking with Yoga
Yoga can help you get rid of the cancer causing addiction, Smoking....

Yoga Boosts Digestion Naturally
A good digestive system is one of the key pillars of a healthy...

9 Yoga Tips to Overcome Anxiety disorder
Relief from anxiety and stress is now only a away! Stress, fear,...