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Meditate! Get an Ache-Free Head
Headache – the very mention of the word has the power to bring back memories of the last time we had one! The pain that starts mild and slowly becomes moderate, going up to intolerable sometimes? And the feeling of holding your head between your palms, cl ... -
Exam fear is OUT, Cool Confidence is IN!
“Studies? Oh they are simple!” “I’m not scared of exams anymore!” “Who needs revision? I’ve read it once and I’m done!” No, you are not dreaming. Neither is this student crazy nor are these ideas far-fetched. This has happened to several kids like you and ... -
Break Free of Habits
From biting nails to constantly playing around with your phone even when you are with your friends or from bossing around people to procrastinating things, as youth don’t we all have some habits- some common, some peculiar – which we want to break free of ... -
11 Ways How Meditation Adds Value to Your Life
. Improves Communication Skills “When the river is calm, the reflection is clearer. When the mind is calm, there is greater clarity in the field of expression. Our sense of observation, perception and expression improve. As a result, we are able to commu ... -
Meditation can add hours to your day
“The whole day has gone and I’m still left with so much to do!” exclaimed a tense-looking friend at work.I asked her to take a few deep breaths and relax. When she looked a little settled, I calmly put forth a suggestion: a few minutes of meditation daily ... -
A-Z Reasons to Meditate
Today, if you want to be happy and peaceful, meditation is a necessity. Here are A-Z reasons why you should meditate as shared by meditators. A- Awareness Meditation is complete awareness. It can happen every moment but it has to start with eyes closed! V ... -
How to Heal Yourself Inside Out with Meditation
Meditation – where you literally do ‘nothing’ – has the ability to cure severe migraine, acute depression, and even heal a broken heart! “I always thought that falling in love was much easier than coming out of it. But the practice of meditation changed m ... -
Meditation & Decision-Making
When you are confused, whatever you do tends to feel wrong. Whatever choice you make, you feel that the other would have been better. When you feel confused, take a pillow and go to bed.- A Chinese proverb Follow the principle of the Chinese proverb. When ... -
Meditation & Awareness
Meditation makes you totally relaxed and at the same time sharpens your awareness. Transform pain- with awareness When we raise our consciousness, we become more aware of the sensations that are happening in the body and we see that the sensations change. ... -
Meditation & Concentration
Concentration is a byproduct of meditation. Meditation is de-concentration. Do you have the notion that meditation is concentration? It is not so. In fact it is the opposite of concentration. We need concentration to do work but for meditation you do not ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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