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  1. Meditation: Invaluable Parenting Guide

    A mother or father is born when the child is born. In that moment when you take your baby in your hands for the first time your baby has already stolen you away from the rest of the world. Just his or her mere entrance in your life changes you totally and ...
  2. Exam fear is OUT, Cool Confidence is IN!

    “Studies? Oh they are simple!” “I’m not scared of exams anymore!” “Who needs revision? I’ve read it once and I’m done!” No, you are not dreaming. Neither is this student crazy nor are these ideas far-fetched. This has happened to several kids like you and ...
  3. Mullah Nasruddin & the Secrets of Relationships

    Mullah Nasruddin is a satirical Sufi figure whose name is used in numerous stories to add a touch of wit and humour. His funny anecdotes make people burst into fits of laughter. Our relationships add color and diversity to our life. Each one has its own u ...
  4. Break Free of Habits

    From biting nails to constantly playing around with your phone even when you are with your friends or from bossing around people to procrastinating things, as youth don’t we all have some habits- some common, some peculiar – which we want to break free of ...
  5. Control your Anger before it Controls You

    This is continued from the previous article on Tips to Reduce Anger Below are a few more ways by which you can reduce anger. Cleansing the mind of impressions Breathe out Stress Sudarshan Kriya is a powerful breathing technique that helps to release stres ...
  6. Meditation: A Binding Thread Between Youth & Parents

    As youth what is it that we ultimately want from our life? Happiness is certainly on the list, right? What is it that our parents want for us? Happiness, isn’t it? So, when we have the same goal, why do we end up having rough relations with them? What is ...
  7. Meditation and music: Unlocking the door of your heart

    My gaze was fixed on his fingers moving deftly across the strings of his guitar. Words that came out of his mouth created a sensational effect on me. My body swayed along the gentle breeze which also seemed to be dancing to the tune that Vikram played tha ...
  8. 11 Ways How Meditation Adds Value to Your Life

    . Improves Communication Skills “When the river is calm, the reflection is clearer. When the mind is calm, there is greater clarity in the field of expression. Our sense of observation, perception and expression improve. As a result, we are able to commu ...
  9. How to meditate in noisy places?

    If you’re one of those people who are bothered, distracted, irritated and annoyed by noise when you’re meditating you can take comfort in the fact that you’re not the only one. Many people including some long-term meditators still experience irritiation w ...
  10. Meditation Classes in Bangalore

    If you are looking at enjoying Bangalore with all its flavors- the erstwhile Garden City found in the quiet lanes of Jayanagar to the trendy IT hub of Electronic City- here’s something that will help you enjoy life in this dynamic city much more. Just 20 ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More