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  1. What Is Meditation?

    Did you know, meditation was the tool that sages in ancient times used to access the vast knowledge resource of Ayurveda. It is an ancient system of natural and holistic medicine that has stood the test of time. Meditation is the source of all creativity ...
  2. What Is The Most Important Ingredient To Make An Amazing Life?

    Having been brought up in United States, she had seen most people having a fast-paced, stressful, somewhat superficial life. She felt the need to slow down a little and delve more deeply into life, to go beneath the surface, and that’s when she discovered ...
  3. Music & Meditation: My Best Friends for Life

    Sahil Jagtiani, a renowned singer and musician, has been meditating for almost 16 years now.Sahil believes that meditation for him is like oxygen—something he cannot do without. It is from meditation that he gets ideas for his songs, and from meditation a ...
  4. Music & Meditation: A New Way of Life for the Youth

    Sahil Jagtiani embarked on his journey of music in high school, when he would write lyrics for his rock band and learn varied styles of lead and rhythm guitar. Music was his heart’s calling and he chose it as a career. It was only in college, when he turn ...
  5. Why Children Should Meditate

    #1 To Prepare For The Challe Meditation gives teenagers the access to a great feeling of inner stability and security. It allows them an insight into the inner wisdom to help them stay centered and strong through the hormonal changes in the body. #2 To Ha ...
  6. How To Be Stress-free At Work

    Tip #1 Relax & Rejuvenate to be stress free at work While sleep regenerates cells and eases the tired body, meditation provides energy to every cell of our body while also cleansing the mind. It frees the mind of wasteful thoughts and gives clarity. Y ...
  7. Tips To Make Your Skin Glow

    Go Back To Your Roots. In ancient ayurveda lie the secrets of beauty. Ayurvedic scrubs or ubtans gently nourish the skin, and help it breathe better. What’s even better is that you can find the ingredients in your kitchen. Mix chickpea flour (besan), sand ...
  8. Ways How Meditation Adds Value to Life

    Improves Communication Skill “When the river is calm, the reflection is clearer. When the mind is calm, there is greater clarity in the field of expression. Our sense of observation, perception and expression improve. As a result, we are able to communica ...
  9. Tips To Deal With Anger

    A 20-minute Journey Within Regular practice of yoga pranayama and attention to food help to settle the restlessness, but how to sustain a calm and balanced state of mind? Meditating regularly is your answer. Just twenty minutes of daily meditation is suff ...
  10. Tips To Raising Fine Pre-teens

    Challenge #1: How Do I Deal With My Kid’s Endless List Of Questions? In the age group of 7 to 12 years, the child’s learning curve is very sharp. It is important that you spend adequate time with your child answering his or her questions. Patience is esse ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More