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  1. Make Yourself Beautiful Inside Out

    In conversation With Ami Patel... Celebrity Stylist, former Fashion Director, L’Officiel India, and Creative Director, Harper’s Bazaar India, Ami is experienced in all aspects of fashion styling, her work spanning from editorial, print, and TV, to celebri ...
  2. Revolution For Inner Peace

    53-year-old Peter Mittermuller is an environmental engineer by profession. He wanted to save the environment from global warming. But he soon realized that in order to save the environment outside, we first need to save another environment inside us that ...
  3. Meditation And Time Management

    Finish Your Tasks Faster A few minutes of meditation helps us stay focused and calm. The result: we are able to concentrate better and work efficiently. If a task took six hours earlier, you may now be able to complete it in just three! Brings Mind To NOW ...
  4. Meditation: The Perfect Recipe For An Amazing Life

    Having been brought up in United States, she had seen most people having a fast-paced, stressful, somewhat superficial life. She felt the need to slow down a little and delve more deeply into life, to go beneath the surface, and that’s when she discovered ...
  5. Invaluable Parenting Guide

    Just born: A New Bud This is a stage where your baby cannot communicate with you through words. have to be extra sensitive and use your intuitive skills to understand the needs of your baby. With daily practice of meditation, your intuitive ability blosso ...
  6. Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You! (Part- 2)

    Continued from Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You! (Part- 1) Way #6: Stop Resisting & You’ll Find That It Will Stop Persisting. You might have noticed that the more you resist yourself from doing something, the more your mind wanders in that dire ...
  7. How to be More Compassionate?

    How to be more compassionate We all want to be the best version of ourselves. However, this awareness could be lost in the business of everyday life. All of us have experienced moments when we wished we could have been more patient, compassionate and kind ...
  8. Success Mantras For Women Entrepreneurs

    Managing Home & Work Easily All women, either working or running their own business, would agree that playing one role is no excuse to be lax with their primary tasks at home as responsible wives, daughters-in-law, or mothers. Sometimes, the pressure ...
  9. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens

    A mother’s job has no retirement age and her child is always a priority. As kids grow older than 7, they start exploring the world and its ways, adding to their library of discoveries and learning. For pre-teens, it is a transformative period and often ma ...
  10. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-2

    W ithout naughtiness, childhood isn't complete. Kids are born with a streak of naughtiness- it is natural. Yet, sometimes, they go out of control and that's what a mother doesn't want. Are you one of those anxious moms searching for a solut ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More