Sudarshan Kriya is a simple yet powerful rhythmic breathing technique that de-stresses, and cleanses at the cellular level, and effectively draws you into a deep state of meditation.
Sudarshan Kriya and accompanying breathing practices, referred to collectively as SKY and taught through the Art of Living programs, have been found to enhance brain, hormone, immune and cardiovascular system function. Published research shows SKY significantly reduces stress, depression, anxiety and PTSD, and increases well-being both mentally and physically. Research also demonstrates that the effects of SKY reach all the way down to the molecular level, to our DNA.
Research-based benefits of Sudarshan Kriya:
Other benefits of Sudarshan Kriya:
Physical benefits
- Reduces stress
- Improves health and well-being
- More energy
- Strengthens immune system
- Reduces cholesterol levels
Mental benefits
- Greater creativity
- Greater clarity of mind
- Improves sleep
- Enhances brain function
- Improves ability to manage challenging situations
Psychological benefits
- Relieves depression and anxiety
- Relief from anxiety and depression (mild, moderate, and severe)
Spiritual benefits
- Enhances yoga and meditation practices
- Experience a deep inner peace of mind
Improved interpersonal relations
- More ease, joy and harmony in personal and work relationships
- A deeper sense of community
- Increases awareness both of self and surroundings
- Improves patience
- Increases confidence and self-esteem
Check these 99 Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya
Learn Sudarshan Kriya
Sudarshan Kriya is the cornerstone of all Art of Living programs and has benefitted millions across the world. Learn this unique breathing technique at a location near you and experience renewed enthusiasm, vitality and happiness like never before.
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