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  1. Yoga for Children: Playing in Childhood’s Sun

    Bringing up a child in today's stressed world that has constant pressures thrown from all sides, is full of challenges for most parents. Yoga offers good solutions to parenting kids and nurturing human values in them. Sharing and caring becomes their ...
  2. Yoga & Relationships: Stretching Toward Commitment

    It is a few minutes past 5 a.m., the beginning of my daily yoga practice. My right leg is lunging forward, the right foot pointing to the front. My left leg is placed straight and solid behind me. I breathe in and raise my arms, stretching them slowly out ...
  3. Clear your doubts through yoga: use your internal prana-o-meter!

    The quality of your life depends directly on the state of your mind. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if when life throws you curve balls, instead of getting bogged down with uncertainties and questions, you could bounce back fighting stronger than ever? Most of ...
  4. Yoga and Observation: Yoga and the theater of your mind

      With the help of yoga practice, self-observation is like watching a theater play. After practicing yoga asanas and yoga breathing exercises, we can slowly bring our awareness back to a centered, calm state. Sitting down in silence, in meditation with th ...
  5. Yoga for Women

    They are competent, versatile and successful- dynamic at work, and doting at home! They are the glue that hold many pieces of life together. Any tribute will fall short of the place women hold in our hearts and societies. But women are also stretched and ...
  6. Yoga for Children

    Mountains tumbling into head stands, suddenly converting into speeding cycles. Bridges collapsing into roaring lions, cocooned caterpillars turning into beautiful butterflies. These amazing pictures are nothing but scenes from any normal household. Watch ...
  7. Yoga for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome & Menstrual Pain

    Save Your Dates With Yoga! What Is PMS? Pre Menstrual Syndrome (Dysmenorrhea) means 'painful periods'. Emotional stress or Physical labor   This discomfort is brought on two weeks prior to menstruations or during the cycle itself; is a cue of ps ...
  8. Yoga and fitness- Adopting the language of yoga to your body

    Yoga is an effective way to maximize the joy of living in a fit and healthy body. Regular practice of yoga can give more flexibility, more stability and give your body good balance and strength. Yoga: Need of the hour Stress is the reason for many of the ...
  9. Yoga- It keeps me going

    From pieces of mind to peace of mind It was dusk when I was walking back from my office on a hilly road after having had a rough discussion with my reporting manager. It was a beautiful evening. A mild breeze blew and the trees were swaying as if smiling ...
  10. The Enlightened One

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 11 Contd. from knowledge sheet 10 Often people who have dispassion keep blaming the world. They are afraid of the objects of senses and keep running away from them. They think it is a big temptation. How can somethin ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More