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  1. Want a Masterclass in Deep Meditation? Start Your Journey Here

    I started my meditation journey in 1972 at just 13 years old. I have had some amazing experiences in deep meditation and have learned a lot along the way. I also trained to become a SKY Breath Meditation teacher in 2001. I’m here to share what I have lear ...
  2. Weekly Wisdom: 6 Expressions of Consciousness

    Our consciousness expresses itself in six modes.  Desire   The first is desire. Many types of desires arise in the mind. When desires are fulfilled, other desires come. So, one after another, desires keep coming, and then we get caught up in the whole cyc ...
  3. Weekly Wisdom: What is True Love?

    What type of love are you searching for? Nature loves you. That’s why your breath goes in, and out of you, even when you’re sleeping. You’re doing nothing, but your breath continues. Air loves you, so it goes into you, comes out of you, and keeps you aliv ...
  4. Weekly Wisdom: Your Spirit Can Never Be Destroyed

    Who am I? What is this universe all about? What is spirit, life, and soul? The soul can never be cut, burned, or buried. It can never be made wet.  Nothing happens to the soul, like nothing happens to space. You can’t wet space. It’s unbreakable. So is ou ...
  5. Understanding Traumatic Stress and How to Start Healing Now

    You don’t have to read the headlines to know that there is a lot of traumatic stress in the world today. The nightly news is filled with traumatic events— multiple wars, school shootings, natural disasters, human-caused disasters, and assorted crimes are ...
  6. Gurudev’s New Year’s Message for 2024: Manifest the Joy

    During the recent New Year’s celebrations in the Netherlands, Gurudev shared the following:  See, with what enthusiasm and gaiety do we celebrate the new year? The new year is something new. Time is new. Every day is new. Every moment is new. But when we ...
  7. Weekly Wisdom: Saving the Planet's Wildlife Before It’s Too Late

    Gurudev recently shared his views on renewing the sacredness of wildlife in modern society in keeping with ancient traditions: Wildlife’s ancient sacredness Animals are part of our social life. Animals are part of this planet, and this whole planet is one ...
  8. A Conversation Between Gurudev and Podcaster Alex Ferrari

    Next Level Soul podcaster Alex Ferrari speaks with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about quantum physics, meditation, spirituality, multiple realities, and more in this interview. Read some of their conversation here: Quantum physics and spirituality Alex: H ...
  9. Use Your Circadian Rhythm to Improve Your Sleep-Wake Cycle

    Not to be confused with cicada the insect, circadian rhythms have everything to do with your sleep-wake cycles. That’s not to say that cicada insects don’t have circadian rhythms; they do! Almost all living things have circadian rhythms, though they can d ...
  10. A Conversation Between Gurudev and NYU Professor John Sexton

    In this “Live from New York Public Library” interview, NYU Professor John Sexton speaks with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about religion, spirituality, and globalizing wisdom to overcome prejudice. Read some of their conversation here: Religion and spirit ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More