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  1. Cortisol: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

    Many people are experiencing high-stress levels and abnormal cortisol levels these days. We must understand cortisol's role in our health and well-being to manage our stress levels better. Cortisol isn’t all bad, just like not all stress is bad. But ...
  2. The Best Muscle Relaxation Methods to Melt Away Muscle Tension

    MUSCLE TENSION. Just reading these two words can make your muscles tense up! And everyone, at some point in time, has or will deal with tense muscles— it is inevitable. This means we all need to know the best muscle relaxation methods because nobody wants ...
  3. Kapalbhati Pranayama: How to Do Skull Shining Breath + Benefits

    Breathing techniques might seem like the newest thing in yoga. However, they have been around for thousands of years. One such breathing technique is Kapalbhati Pranayama. This technique is part of the Hatha Yoga tradition. It's considered one of the ...
  4. Weekly Wisdom: How to Avoid World War 3

    Gurudev recently shared his views on stopping terrorism, especially in light of recent violence in the Middle East: Human values education  Some people take pride in violence, which won’t solve any issue. The inhumane activity of a few impacts millions. T ...
  5. Chakra Meaning: Know the Energy Centers, Base of Spine to Top of Head

    You’ve probably heard the word chakra on a TV show or in a yoga class, maybe from your friend. But perhaps you’re not quite sure what chakra is precisely. Or maybe you have some idea about what a chakra is but need more clarity. Maybe your mind is filled ...
  6. Weekly Wisdom: 5 Habits to Be Highly Successful

    Gurudev recently shared five habits we all need to incorporate into our lives to be highly successful: Stop bothering about what others say When you’re not focused on applause from others but instead on what you want to contribute, then you become more po ...
  7. Karma Definition: Simple Clarity On a Complex Subject

    There is no part of this world untouched by some kind of concept relating to karma. Every religion has an interpretation of how God or the universe operates with our individual karma concerning good and bad actions. Even science has a perspective on karma ...
  8. 2023 World Culture Festival Recap

    Nearly one million estimated to have experienced one of the largest recent events on the  National Mall  Washington, D.C. (October 2, 2023) – Today, The Art of Living Foundation – organizers of the World Culture Festival – estimate nearly one million peopl ...
  9. 2023 World Culture Festival: Final Programming Update

    450,000+ expected to attend the largest gathering in the U.S. capital this year  Washington, D.C. (September 21, 2023) – Today, one week ahead of the Olympic-scale World Culture Festival, the Art of Living Foundation announced more than 450,000 people have ...
  10. A Conversation Between Gurudev and The Playbook's David Meltzer

    In this episode of The Playbook podcast, “Managing Energy, Fear, and Personal Habits,” David Meltzer speaks with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about the Art of Living Foundation and how to spread peace, joy, and harmony worldwide. Read more of their conver ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More