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  1. Beauty Sleep: More than Skin-Deep and More Important than You Think

    You sleep every night, but are you getting deep restorative sleep, aka beauty sleep? If you get only about six hours of sleep a night, you probably don't get enough deep sleep cycles. Deep sleep is what helps your skin restore!  Beauty Sleep FAQs Wha ...
  2. Remembering The First World Culture Festival, Bangalore 2006

    In 2005, Gurudev had gone from city to city, all around the world, inviting everyone to come to India- for the first World Culture Festival in Bangalore, India. For many of us, including me, the scale of the program that he was describing was nearly impos ...
  3. New footer-updated

    Language United States English ...
  4. Washington DC: An Architectural Vastu Perspective

    Years ago, during his first visit to DC, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talked about the stability of The Washington Monument. The monument is considered a Vastu remedy that supports the stability of the United States. To learn more about DC and its connect ...
  5. Weekly Wisdom: The Impact of Planets, Stars, and Vibrations

    Gurudev recently shared details about how astrology impacts our lives through vibrations of planets, stars, and constellations in space: Astrology is a science. It's made up of nine planets, 12 constellations, and 27 stars.  When planets move through ...
  6. Tension Headaches: Try Our Tips So Your Head Can Feel Better Today

    Topics covered Frequently Asked Questions What are some triggers that may bring on tension-type headaches? How does a tension-type headache feel? Can I treat a tension-type headache without medication? How do you get rid of a tension-type headache? How lo ...
  7. Overcoming PTSD: A Guide to Moving Forward and Feeling Free

    Topics covered What is PTSD? Types of trauma Symptoms and signs Children and PTSD Triggers Risk factors and complications Treatments Alternative therapies Breathwork Meditation Yoga SKY Breath Meditation A personal perspective How to help a loved one (or ...
  8. Better Sleep with Melatonin Alternatives: Here’s What You Need to Know

    We all know how vital a good night’s sleep is, especially when we have tossed and turned all night long. When you don’t have enough good quality sleep, you can have a whole host of problems affecting your day. There’s a higher chance of mistakes and injur ...
  9. Weekly Wisdom: How the Bhagavad Gita Saved Oppenheimer

    After testing the first atomic bomb, Oppenheimer famously quoted the Bhagavad Gita. He said, "I knew the world wouldn’t be the same. I remembered the line from the Bhagavad Gita where Vishnu is persuading Arjuna to fight. To impress him, he takes on ...
  10. Selfless Service: The Art of Volunteering and Making a Difference

    Before I took my first Art of Living course, volunteering was something I aspired to do but never really followed through with. The perceived lack of time and energy would be my usual alibi, along with ‘more important’ tasks at hand. This isn’t to say tha ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More