Meditation: It’s a Global Phenomenon
When you meditate, you’re not alone. You’re part of a movement towards mental wellness that has touched over 40 million lives worldwide.
Discover Lasting Calm with Clear Focus
For reduced stress, worry, and anxiety
What Our Participants Have to Say
The Research Behind Meditation
From the cover of Time Magazine to more than 3,000 scientific studies, the benefits of meditation are becoming clearer and clearer. The Art Of Meditation itself has been shown in independent research to significantly reduce anxiety and depression. Here are just some of the scientifically validated benefits of meditation:
Experience deeper sleep
Fix insomnia and have deeper, more restorative sleep.
Decrease anxiety and increase happiness
Meditation increases activity in those parts of the brain responsible for happiness and other positive emotions.
Improve mental focus
Meditation has been associated with increased blood flow to the brain and increased activity in the brain region responsible for mental focus and executive function.
Promote longevity
Quieting the brain through meditation helps you live longer. Meditation slows the shortening of telomeres (the caps at the end of our chromosomes). Longer telomeres mean slower aging.
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