Why Corporate Yoga?
Deadlines, meetings, excel sheets, strategies, and diverse opinions often lead to stress and anxiety. And when they are not managed properly, you end up with Burnout, reduced efficiency, mental and physical illnesses. Yoga is a great tool to not just drive away stress, anxiety and other off-shoots, but also to improve your overall wellbeing and happiness. Setting aside a few minutes for Yoga at work can increase your bandwidth and productivity, leave you feeling fresh and light and empowered to do more with power and passion.
What is taught
Our integrated and comprehensive approach to Yoga includes several elements that address common workplace issues, and help you manage your mind and body better
The Basics
Body Matters
Healthy Body and Beyond
This program embeds a touch of classical asanas, pranayamas and meditations. It enhances mobility of all the joints in the body, and focuses on the chest opening, hip stretches, and simple methods to release tension from the neck and shoulders.
Duration: 1 Day - 60 Minutes
I'm interested»Login to your Mind
Enhanced State of Mind
Login to your MIND is a custom program consisting of simple yogic breathing, Sukshma Vyayama, relaxation techniques and meditation. It helps you learn how to manage stress at the physical, mental and intellectual level.
Duration: 2 Days - 60 Minutes each day
Desktop Yoga
Profound Rest at your Desk
Experience the power of simple stretches, breathing exercises and guided meditations that can be practised right at your desk. It's an effective solution for stress, back and shoulder pain, and strained eyes. Once learned, you can practice anywhere, anytime, even at your desk.
Duration: 1 Day - 60 Minutes
Yoga Everyday

Fitness Unleashed
Make Yoga a part of your Life
Yoga exercises the entire body, tones muscles, reduces fatigue and lethargy, increases stamina and fitness. These sessions focus on healing the body and mind, to reduce tension and increase energy. Suited for beginners and experienced students.
Duration: 1, 3, 6, 12 Months

Yoga for Women
Enhanced Fitness and Performance
This series of sessions consists of women focussed Yogic practices. This program not only improves flexibility, and harmonizes the body and mind, but also addresses women-specific health conditions and helps you manage them.
Duration: 3 Days - 60 Minutes each day

Cognitive Yoga
Think Clearly and Intuitively
Cognitive Yoga combines powerful asanas, yogic breathing, Energy Locks (Bandhas) and induces the energy channels (through Mudras) to bring harmony and energy in the body, whilst keeping the mind calm and focused. It can also help overcome jet lags, slow days, a busy mind.
Duration: 3 Days - 60 Minutes each day
Customized Yoga
Intense Detox
Rejuvenate, Revive and Heal
The perfect vacation, a chance to pamper your body, some time to forget all your worries and relax in our retreat center. Detox your body and de-stress your mind.
Duration: 4 Days- Residential
Stress Buster
Stretch your way out of stress
13 sessions with specialized modules to focus on specific needs of the employees and different aspects of the body and health in each session.
Duration: 13 Days - 90 Minutes each day
Customizable Program
NCD Specific and Posture Management
Adopt the Yoga way of living. We can design programs to address specific needs- both physical and mental, such as Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism, Hypertension, etc.
Duration: Custom Duration
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