Yoga Tips for naturally glowing skin
Tips to bring a glow to your face and improve general well-being.
Yoga for eyes: improve eyesight naturally
Many of the yogic poses/asana and exercises are aimed at improving...
7 Simple Yoga Asanas for Neck Pain Relief
Gone are the days when ‘small is good’ was the motto. Today we...
"How To Cure Thyroid With Yoga or "How to cure thyroid with yoga?"
“Ten years ago, I only knew of thyroid disorder through school textbooks. It was only a medical condition to me...
Yoga at home
9 tips to practice yoga at home Daily yoga practice at home can help you stay healthy, more productive, calm and...
7 tips to improve your golf experience
Enjoy a better golfing game, conquer the vast green expanse with...
Yoga for Children: Playing in Childhood’s Sun
Bringing up a child in today's stressed world that has constant...
Sun Salutation mantras and their meaning
The sun sustains life on earth. Our ancient seers acknowledged...
Yoga Videos
Yoga for Beginners with Eesha Buwa Yogic Fitness Paschimottanasana Bend Yoga Pose Halasana Plow Yoga Pose How...
The Importance of a Guru on the Path of Yoga
"Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. The blossoming of human potential to fullness...
Know How to Get Instant Benefits From Yoga
On International Yoga Day, India Today brings you an exclusive...
5 Common Mistakes Yoga Beginners Make
There is no doubt that practicing is a great idea—not only for...