Yoga at home
9 tips to practice yoga at home Daily yoga practice at home can help you stay healthy, more productive, calm and...

Learn how meditation helps to improve concentration
Learn 8 tips on how to increase concentration and focus.

6 reasons why your meditation might not be working
Lava and Kusha are best friends. They enjoy doing everything...

Meditation: Invaluable Parenting Guide
A mother or father is born when the child is born.At that moment when you take your baby in your hands for the...

Meditation for peace of mind
Discover how the simple practice of meditation gifts you peace...

How to control your thoughts during meditation
Easy tips to control your thoughts during meditation

These 4 tips can help you improve your focus
Read these simple tips and increase your focus.

Yoga Tips for naturally glowing skin
Tips to bring a glow to your face and improve general well-being.

Yoga for eyes: improve eyesight naturally
Many of the yogic poses/asana and exercises are aimed at improving the functioning of specific organs of the body....

7 Simple Yoga Asanas for Neck Pain Relief
Gone are the days when ‘small is good’ was the motto. Today we want everything to be better than the rest. Better...

The benefits of meditation you never knew
6 Health benefits of meditation With meditation, the physiology...

8 effective natural remedies for a migraine
These simple lifestyle changes could go a long way.