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  1. Benefits of Yoga

    Top 10 yoga benefits Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health – whatever you may be looking for, yoga has it on offer. However, very often, yoga is only partially understood as being limited to asanas (yo ...
  2. What is Sri Sri Yoga?

    Sri Sri Yoga is a discipline, both gentle and powerful, that integrates elements from the different paths of yoga, especially Hatha yoga, uniting the body, mind and breath in awareness. Here the wisdom and techniques of yoga are brought to you in a joyful ...
  3. Combating Cold with Yoga

    The most common phenomenon of any seasonal change are the diseases it brings with itself. As we move from summer to monsoons to winter, a lot of people keep battling with flu and common cold. By default, our body's immunity system tries to get rid of ...
  4. 20 Yoga Asanas for a Healthy Heart

    Yoga is the art of reposing in different postures, while focussing on breathing. As a result, every   yoga posture has a particular effect on the respiratory system and therefore, affects the heart as well. There are specific asanas in yoga for heart prob ...
  5. You have to take a step!

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 74 Contd. from knowledge sheet 73 I will tell you another Mullah story. Mullah Nasruddin used to grumble all the time. He was a farmer and so he would grumble that there were no rains for many years. He would say, “Oh, ...
  6. Cleanliness Counts!

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 72 Contd. from knowledge sheet 71 In ancient days, people would invite the wise ones to their homes or dwelling, and give them food. When the wise ones would accept the food, then to show them gratitude for having acce ...
  7. 7 tips to improve your golf experience

    The sheer love of conquering the vast green expanse with a couple of clubs and a passionate precision makes many of us give up the comfort of staying indoors on a cozy afternoon and head out to our local golf course for a game or two. The game of golf is ...
  8. The Body is Inside the Mind

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 52 Contd. from knowledge sheet 51 I don’t mean that you always show being wishy-washy. That is also self-deception. You do not have to be so vagary. Some people keep saying, “Everything is nice, everything is nice”. Th ...
  9. Without Love, Spiritual Path Becomes Dry

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 54 Contd. from knowledge sheet 53 Without love, self-study becomes ‘another day’ stuff. Without surrender, self-study is not charming. Do you see what I am saying? Without devotion, without love, the spiritual path bec ...
  10. Yoga Keeps Your Heart healthy

    For more than a decade now, every 29th of September has been celebrated as ‘World Heart Day’ to raise awareness against heart related diseases. However, the latest survey conducted by a private company with a sample size of more than 1,12,000 over urban c ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More