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  1. Take A Break, Meditate!

    ‘Give me a break!’ screams the mind as we rush towards finishing a list of to-dos: work meetings, home responsibilities, ‘me’ time! There is constant roller coaster of emotions: joy, frustration and stress. Before you know it, there is the next set of res ...
  2. Meditation for Parenting Toddlers: Unfolding Secrets

    I cannot stop admiring her as she takes baby steps in an effort to walk independently. It seems that in no time, she has turned 16 months old. My beautiful yet adventurous journey of parenting has allowed me to capture these moments of a lifetime. At the ...
  3. 6 Tips to Go Deep into Meditation

    You may have been practicing meditation regularly but have you noticed that at times when you sit to meditate, your mind seems to take a holiday to a world of thoughts? Learning how to meditate is the first step but do you want to move up the ladder and l ...
  4. Meditators’ speak: 7 Songs of Innocence

    “When the mind transcends the senses, it comes back to its true nature which is innocence – in no sense.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Beauty is best expressed in the song of the heart. The following verses capture these magical reflections of a few people-of-t ...
  5. 12 easy tips for glowing skin

    “Beauty is an inner phenomenon. Beauty is not in objects, not in people, not even in the eyes of the beholder. It lies in the heart of every person,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and this beauty in the heart reflects so naturally as radiance and a g ...
  6. Meditation – A Free Fall into Yourself

    Shreya Chugh, an Art of Living teacher for youth courses and an avid adventure sports enthusiast, shares with Eben Felix her love for the sport and how meditation has helped enhance the thrill for her passion. Standing high on a rock…high enough to smell ...
  7. Have You Made These New Year Resolutions?

    It’s December again … New Year is round the corner … time again to make some promises to ourselves … you stare at the blank paper … gradually jotting down your resolutions one by one … but what’s the next thought? “I hope I am able to keep up to these res ...
  8. 2013: A New Beginning

    Yet another year gone by and as we stand at the verge of the new one, let’s reflect upon the time that passed and promise ourselves a fresh start. Let us make a resolution this new year to live happy, stay healthy and spread the message of love and peace. ...
  9. Flavors of Meditation

    It could be licking your favorite ice cream on a hot Sunday afternoon or watching the sunset on a white sand beach. Your meditation experience can be compared to anything, absolutely anything random on this planet! We spoke to a few meditators who drew so ...
  10. Designing Beautiful Lives

    An artist by profession, Poonam Tandon worked for a short while in a visual media company as a user interface designer. But she found more satisfaction and fulfillment in designing people’s lives beautiful by teaching them meditation. And this is exactly ...