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  1. Gurudev, some say that married women should not chant Lalita Sahasranama. Please guide if that is true?

    In our country people just say anything. Some say married women should not chant Lalita Sahasranama. Some say one should not keep a Shiva Ling at home. Some says women should not chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’. This is all untrue, it is not mentioned a ...
  2. Would you consider becoming an advisor of the government if they were more forthcoming?

    Yes, all of you should work together to ensure that such a government is formed. I keep giving advice, but some people don't listen to it immediately, they listen to it later. That's also good. ...
  3. Gurudev, what is the message you would like to give the youths of today?

    This country is yours. Wake up! Start taking care of it from now. ...
  4. Gurudev, yesterday you said it is easier for industrialist to fight corruption together, but even that is difficult. There are so many laws and regulations. It is difficult to run a unit without breaking some law or the other? What should we do?

    I tell you in action there is no 100% perfection. I will give you an example. Here we have an Ayurvedic college and the hospital is supposed to be 1.5km away from the college, this is the dictated norm. Now the village is 2.9km away. So I sai ...
  5. Gurudev, spiritual leaders are there to keep society on the moral track. But recently there has been a trend where spiritual leader are becoming part of the public affairs. So Instead of having devotion, people are starting to doubt them. What is your suggestion to this?

    This is a wrong idea that spiritual leaders should not involve in the public affairs. ‘If there is a wrong law that is being made, spiritual leaders should just sit in their ashrams and not say their opinion.’ This is not correct. Every spiritual ...
  6. Dear Guruji, you always hold flowers, do you not feel that to straighten out the issues in society today you need to hold a stick rather than flowers?

    A stick cannot hurt as much as a flower can hurt. The change that happens through a flower stays, but the change that happens through a stick is only for a few days, it would not stay long. Some will hold flowers, some will hold sticks. If you ar ...
  7. How does one ensure that local languages survive?

    If local languages need to survive, people must have a sense of pride in that region and language. Hindi, our national language wouldn't have survived too. The film industry has given a lot of support for this. Actors, singers and many others in the f ...
  8. Gurudev, what should be the role of media with respect to society? What role should media adopt in order to uplift society?

    Media has two roles. One is an objective presentation of the situation as it is. This is the foremost responsibility of media. Second responsibility of the media is to give hope to the people. Sometimes the scenario may be so painful or hopeless ...
  9. As per the law of attraction, whatever you resist persists. So the ‘anti-corruption’ word itself seems to make corruption more persistent in the society. Could you please suggest us a more positive word or a phrase instead of anti-corruption?

    ‘Divya Samaaj’. This is what we say, ‘Divya Samaaj Ka Nirmaan’ (Building a Divine society). In a divine society there is no room for corruption. Law is merely a treatment for corruption. Our job is to not allow this disease to catch on in society. The more ...
  10. Gurudev, when will the corruption which is spread in every street of Delhi end?

    When you and I stand up against it, then it will remain neither on the streets nor in Delhi. I am already standing against it, now you too have to raise your voice. ...