Press Releases

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  1. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar enthrals European Parliament on the International Day of Yoga

    Renowned humanitarian and founder of The Art of Living highlights universality and individual wellness benefits of Yoga as he inaugurates the 2nd world yoga day and leads MEPs through a meditation Brussels, 21 June 2016 – It was a fully packed Yehudi Menuh ...
  2. Colombian FARC peace deal: The man behind the peace breakthrough

    “Let us thank and acknowledge Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for his humanitarian concern and solidarity to put an end to the longest armed conflict in our America”, says Ivan Marquez, Chief Negotiator of FARC in a video statement. “His meeting in Havana wit ...
  3. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Inaugure la Journée Internationale du Yoga au Parlement Européen le 21 juin 2016

    L’ambassadeur du Yoga le plus reconnu au monde et fondateur de The Art of Living sera l’invité d’honneur et guidera une méditation pour les parlementaires et le personnel. Pour la première fois, la salle Yehudi Menuhin se transformera en grand espace de Y ...
  4. Colombian peace process gets a big boost

    Following the promising peace talks between FARC leaders and Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar earlier in June where FARC declared a unilateral ceasefire, the Art of Living founder continues to support the peace process Havana, 18th August 2015  - The ongoing p ...
  5. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar helps to bring peace to Colombia

    Columbian rebel group FARC is announcing a ceasefire starting from the 20th July after holding peace talks with the founder of the Art of Living Berlin, 10th July 2015 - Christoph Glaser spokesman for the Art of Living Foundation is pleased to announce tha ...
  6. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar enthralls European Parliament with Yoga

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar enthralls European Parliament with Yoga European Parliament embraces Yoga at curtain raiser event to celebrate UN International Yoga Day with The Art of Living founder in a fully packed plenary hall Brussels, 22 April 2015 - Th ...
  7. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar brings Yoga to EU Parliament

    Yoga makes its way into the European Parliament Unique discussion forum on yoga with global humanitarian Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at European Parliament in Brussels on April 21, 2015 as a curtain raiser to the newly declared International Day of Yoga Brussels ...
  8. New! Silence Course for Beginners in Bad Antogast

    Come and enjoy deep rest and a few days of silence in the Black Forest. This course is designed to those who have not done any previous Art of Living Course and who want to enjoy the silence. Take some time out for yourself -  eat healthily, do physical an ...
  9. Yoga has immediate effects on gene expression of immune cells

    A study just published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE ( has found that a comprehensive yoga program rapidly produces effects at the genetic level. Conducted by the University of ...
  10. Google+ Hangout with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inspires millions of viewers

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inspires the masses with the largest and longest Google+ Hangout One-of a kind worldwide video-conference called upon action to create a violence-free stress-free society It was an exceptional online-event that took center stag ...
Displaying 11 - 20 of 23
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.Read More