YES! + Course (18-30 yrs)

Youth Empowerment and Soft Skills Workshop

YES!+ is an innovative and dynamic educational and life skills program for students and professionals aged 18 to 35. that charges the youth with a fresh breath of vigor, enthusiasm, excellence and responsibility. YES!+ enables you to absorb the freshness, the repose and all the positivity around you, and helps you discharge stress, inhibitions, bad habits, and barriers.

YES!+ is a brilliant mix of antiquity and the contemporary. It is a smooth blend of ancient wisdom, yoga, pranayama (breath control), and meditation, fused with contemporary intellectual exchanges, music and games. And of-course it includes Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s powerful and famous breathing technique, the Sudarshan Kriya.

The workshop provides practical life skills you need at this critical stage:

  • Public speaking - how to perform well in front of an audience, under pressure (college presentations and job interviews)
  • Time-management: how to organise, prioritize.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Techniques to improve concentration, a big help when preparing for exams or getting reports done at work.
  • How to take care of your health – both bodily and mental!
  • Creativity.
  • How to be dynamic in action and calm at the same time.

Elements of the program:

1) Physical – Challenging and fun physical body exercises. Yoga. Get fit and bring your mind into focus at the same time!

2) Mind – Innovative breathing techniques. Practical knowledge and interactive processes to improve memory, concentration & focus. 

3) Teamwork and Leadership – perhaps the most important skills you will need in team sports, sports training, student life, and in your future career. During the YES!+ program, you will participate in experiential processes to develop problem solving strategies and social skills; interactive processes to develop leadership and life skills; teamwork exercises to teach cooperation and conflict resolution; group discussions designed to help one feel at ease in challenging situations, and increase confidence and inner strength to better handle criticism and peer pressure.

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Minimum 1 km
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.Read More