Have you ever felt little bit lost in life, confused on which direction to take? In the Ancient Vedic Tradition, mantras and meditation was the tool used to gain clarity in your mind and remove obstacles in life.

In this unique workshop you will experience the power of mantras and Sanskrit 'chanting' from the Vedic tradition and learn how to use them in your personal development. Mantra & Meditation is a 2 hours workshop given by the Dutch Swami Purnachaitanya, senior Art of Living Faculty and advanced meditation, mantras and yoga teacher.


About the Workshop

Experience real peace

Mantras are the vehicle for inner peace

Discover how to meditate with mantras technique and its benefit on your overall well-being

Free your Mind

with mind management techniques

Discover the role of the mind in your stress level and become aware of its importance in gaining more control. You discover what triggers you and how that happens.

Discover yourself

Reveal your true self and your place in the universe

Sorrow comes when we think that sleeping, working, and procreating are all we have in life. Start your journey and discover your own purpose in life

Breath work and Meditation

Learn simple, proven techniques to access more energy

Perhaps breath is the 'Golden Key' you are looking for. You will learn how breathwork and meditation technique can calm you down almost instantly.

About Swami Purnachaitanya

Born and brought up in the Netherlands, Swami Purnachaitanya from a young age had a keen interest in the spiritual practices, cultures and philosophies of the East.

After finishing his studies at the University of Leiden and practicing various Eastern martial arts for years, he met his spiritual Master, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and started his journey to explore the traditions of yoga, meditation, mantras and ancient wisdom.

Now he has become a public figure traveling extensively in Asia, Africa and Europe, conducting a wide range of self- development programs.

“The whole creation is made up of the five elements, and the vibrations of mantras have an effect on these elements. Reciting or listening to mantras has a profound effect on the body, mind, consciousness and the environment.”

- Swami Purnachaitanya


24th March

81 Avenue de Tervueren
25th March, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs



25th March

Great White Whale Center,
Jozef Reusenslei 182
25th March, 2023
10.30 - 12.30 hs



25th March

Sutdio Zuid Leuven,
Frederik Lintstraat 45
25th March, 2023
19 - 21 hs



26th March

DPrinsenzaal - Het Rustpunt,
Burgstraat 116
26th March, 2023
10.30 - 12.30 hs



26th March

De Brug,
Hauwerstraat 3A
26th March, 2023
19 - 21 hs



31th March

Vrijzinnig Punt,
Albrecht Rodenbachstraat 18
31th March, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs