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  1. Service Projects Overview

    Service Projects A Showcase of Art of Living's Work Around the World GLOBAL ACHIEVEMENTS ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION 10,000,000 trees planted around the world STRESS-RELIEF 5,688,000 people benefited through free stress-relief workshops PRISONER REHABILIT ...
  2. Rural Development

    Rural Development Rural Development Any country’s progress is directly connected with rural development. Lasting rural transformation can be achieved only with a holistic approach, one that considers and integrates all aspects including economic, social a ...
  3. Rural Development

    Rural Development Rural Development HTML field:  Reached 40,212 villages in India, training 203,220 rural youth Any country’s progress is directly connected with rural development. Lasting rural transformation can be achieved only with a holistic approach ...
  4. The Art of Living Foundation- Yoga | Meditation | Sudarshan Kriya | Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Veronica Ruiz professeur d'art de vivre Maîtrisez votre mental & vivez votre vie idéale grâce à des techniques de respiration ayant fait leurs preuves, du yoga authentique et de la méditation sans effort découvrir le STAGE du Bonheur ​ Maîtrisez ...
  5. Cours

    Stage du Bonheur De puissantes techniques de respiration et de la sagesse susceptibles de changer votre vie. APPRENEZ LE Sudarshan Kriya: "La technique de respiration facile qui peut réduire votre anxiété 44%" "Il est possible de changer no ...
  6. Privacy Policy

    INTRODUCTION This Privacy Policy is entered into by and between International Art of Living Foundation on behalf of itself and its affiliates, group companies, related entities and licensors (the “Organization”). The organization understands that your pri ...
  7. Spiritual Experience

    Find out the purpose of your life Discover the mystical secrets of life and creation Experience freedom and explore the innermost depth of your being Take gentle guided steps on the path to enlightenment Experience the absolute truth, highest knowledge an ...
  8. Personality Development

    "In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you. You are original. You are rare. You are unique. Celebrate your Uniqueness." – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Re- di ...
  9. Secrets to Happy Family and Relationships

    Don’t just wait for festiva​ls, celebrate every moment with your family You can only share what you have.  If you want your family to be happy and harmonious, you need to be happy and at peace first. Learn the secret to be THAT source of happiness through ...
  10. Chemin vers Soi

    Liège " Cela fait plus de 20 ans que j'expérimente de nombreux stages en développement personnel et/ou spirituel. Je n’ai jamais vécu un stage aussi puissant et grâce aux techniques de respiration, on revient à soi, on se découvre par soi-même e ...