3 Workplace Tips to Counteract a Sedentary Lifestyle

If you are one of the 6 in 10 Americans who sit in front of a computer at work, you may be at risk for a number of health issues related to sedentary lifestyle. That’s right: studies now show that on average adults spend 70% of their waking hours sitting, leading to larger waistlines and cardiometabolic risks (think insulin resistance, obesity, and heart attack).

Now, if you work at a desk, chances are you might not have many opportunities to increase your physical activity while at work. And between waking up early to commute, working long hours, and getting home in time to eat and go to bed, finding the time for physical activity during the week can seem almost impossible.

Not to worry! By following a few simple lifestyle hacks, you can increase your physical activity throughout the day and even develop sustainable and efficient exercise habits that offset long periods of sitting and fit neatly into a busy schedule.

1. Move 30-60 Minutes

One of the best things you can do for your body when sitting at a desk is to take regular breaks to walk around your office and stretch. In fact, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recommends standing up and moving for at least 2 minutes every half hour. Stretching is also an excellent way to get your circulation flowing and bring life back to your body. Regular stretching throughout the workday can prevent tightness in the hips, and lower back, along with poor posture. Simple stretches can even be done while sitting at your desk! If you need to speak with coworkers, rather than calling or emailing them, turn on the charm and walk directly to their desks. Any movement is good movement!

2. Leave for Lunch

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to purchase a lunch. Rather, take advantage of your lunch break and get outside. If possible, find a beautiful park or place in nature where you can enjoy your lunch in the fresh air, and bring coworkers! Leaving your desk for lunch gives your mind and eyes a much-needed rest, and can be a great way to add an extra 30 minutes of walking to your day. Just watch - you will come back feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on whatever work you have left in the afternoon.


3. Exercise before or after work

I know: waking up even earlier than usual to work out might seem more like a punishment than a positive choice. However, as the quote goes, “‘I really regretted that workout’ - said no one ever.” Waking up early to exercise before work will leave you feeling energized and accomplished, and will boost your levels of concentration and focus throughout the day. What’s more, early morning exercise connects you to your body first thing, leaving you with a reminder to continue moving throughout the day.

If a morning workout is not possible, consider exercising immediately after work, before you have time to return home and decide otherwise. Getting in just 30 minutes will make a massive difference in the health of your body, both in the long and short-term. Plus, exercise is nature’s stress-reliever!

So, in the words of James Brown, ‘get up offa that thang’ and watch as your energy and health improve with these simple tips to counteract a sedentary lifestyle!

By Lucia