Three Types of Intellect

The Sattvic intelligence, Sattvic intellect, when it dawns, that is called Sattva Shudhi. When the pure intellect dawns in you, it brings enormous freedom from inside; freedom from physical garbage, freedom from emotional garbage and freedom from conceptual garbage.
We create so much garbage in our head. We assume people’s nature to be like this or like that when it may not be so. And we assume people to act or react in a particular way. Why should that be so?
Life has many surprises for you. Sometimes you think someone is a very good friend of yours, and suddenly you turn around and see that very friend is creating a lot of trouble to you. How many of you have had this experience? (Many raise their hands)
(Gurudev responds laughing) Look at this.
Because it is One consciousness which turns the whole wheel, turns the whole universe.

One who experiences this in the heart and feels it in oneself, says, ‘Aah! Freedom! Now I don’t have to sit and think about this person, and that guy, and that lady, and that person.’

All of this occupies your head. That does not have to happen. Everything is One consciousness. Everybody is part of the finger of one little doll, jumping up and down, acting this way and that way, and their karma make them all act.

Doesn’t this knowledge bring freedom? Enormous freedom!
So what type of freedom does it bring? It brings freedom from the cravings, it brings freedom from aversions.

When you know this, on the physical level all the cravings for alcohol, drugs, and all these sorts of unhealthy bondages we have created in our own mind will just drop out. Then emotional garbage – That person looked at me and that person did not look at me. I love her and she did not respond to me. Before, they were loving towards me but now what happened to all of them – all these things will not happen. This emotional garbage that we harbor in our head, trying to prove our love and asking for proof for someone else’s love, all this will drop off.
Then conceptual garbage. Huge volumes are written; so many books are written, all on concepts. It is like a person who has never seen an elephant is writing volumes about an elephant.
Just imagine, there was not even television, one has only seen a picture of an elephant, a hand drawn sketch and they are writing a thesis on elephants, its behavior and how it should be handled. This is exactly the situation.
People who have the least understanding about consciousness are writing books and books and volumes, and they become bestsellers also! This is the funniest part of it. So you get that freedom from conceptual garbage – Listening to this person, that person and that person, no!

Everything is made up of One thing.

Isn’t that beautiful? Very nice!

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