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    Ein Muss Die Stille Feiern Die Themen reichen von Zweifel und Angst bis hin zu Liebe und Leidenschaftslosigkeit. Kaufe das Buch Die Liebe Feiern Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen negative Emotionen in gesunde Beziehungen und Spirituelles Wissen umzuwandeln. Kaufe d ...
  2. Weisheit Beziehungen

    Beziehungstipps von Sri Sri Tipps von einem spirituellen Lehrer zu den Themen Flirten, Beziehungen und Heirat. Eine Beziehung ist wie zwei Räder, die sich zusammen bewegen. Sie braucht Aufmerksamkeit und Anstrengung. Wir sollten nicht zulassen, dass unser ...
  3. Happiness Chapter 2

    Finding Sustainable Happiness Chapter 2 Three Levels of Happiness HTML field:  In this world, there is always a play of positive and negative. Some problems come, some challenges come, and solutions also follow them. The ancient people would simply focus ...
  4. Relationships Chapter-3

    Relationship Advice from Sri Sri Chapter 3 Marriage Advice HTML field:  Life energy, like water, needs two banks to flow. When water flows between two banks, it has a direction. Similarly, life force needs a direction, and the bank that gives it direction ...
  5. Relationships Chapter-5

    Relationship Advice from Sri Sri Chapter 5 Getting Over a Broken Heart HTML field:  Relationships cause you so many problems and you get so heartbroken. When a relationship breaks down, you get so devastated as though you cannot exist anymore. At that tim ...
  6. Relationships Chapter-2

    Relationship Advice from Sri Sri Chapter 2 Making Relationships Work HTML field:  If you know how to row a boat, you can row any boat. But if you don’t know how to row, changing boats isn’t going to help. Similarly, changing a relationship does not necess ...
  7. Happiness Chapter-1

    Finding Sustainable Happiness Chapter 1 Be Happy Right Now HTML field:  Every living creature wants to be happy. And to be happy, people seek something: money, power or sex, but very often even after getting it, they are not happy. Or the happiness is ver ...
  8. Relationships Chapter-1

    Relationship Advice from Sri Sri Chapter 1 Entering Relationships HTML field:  There is confusion and chaos in the world in the name of love. Love with wisdom is eternal bliss. Love with selfishness or love for individual pleasure, sooner or later will br ...
  9. Happiness Menu

    Anhaltendes Glück finden Eine Zusammenstellung von Weisheiten von Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Glück ist, wenn du nichts für dich willst, aber du etwas geben möchtest. Wo die Wünsche und das Wollen enden und das Teilen beginnt, da ist das Glück. Erinnerung ...
  10. Relationships Chapter-4

    Relationship Advice from Sri Sri Chapter 4 Sex and Spirituality HTML field:  The Three Avenues of Sex This body has come into existence through sex, and sex is the oldest impression in this body. There are three forms of sex: #1 The Body Sex The lowest fo ...