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Programma Prigione- South Africa
Stress della direzione penale e sessioni di riabilitazione = Prison Stress Management and Rehabilitation Training (SMART) Il programma Prison SMART è stato insegnato in Sud Africa dal 2002. E’ atto un successo nel corso degli anni coprendo sette prigioni ... -
Tessere i sogni nella juta, Gadag
A volte bastano piccoli interventi per cambiare il mondo. Un piccolo villaggio in Kamataka sta scrivendo la sua quieta storia di crescita tessendo i suoi sogni con la juta. Nel dicembre 2010 la Fondazione Art of Living ha dato vita al centro di produzione ... -
Cura dell' ambiente
The Art of Living Foundation, with its roots in spirituality, has nurtured a deep respect for our planet in thousands of people around the world. The earth may be made up of rocks, sand and water, but spirituality can help us to perceive our planet as a l ... -
Empowerment delle Donne
EMPOWERING WOMEN SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY The Art of Living Foundation’s programmes provide a solid foundation that nurtures the inner strength, creativity and self-esteem of women from all walks of life. With this base established well, women are able t ... -
Sostegno post disastri
With its worldwide network of volunteers, the Art of Living Foundation is often able to respond swiftly to disasters anywhere in the world, providing physical and mental relief as well as material aid. Through this network, The Art of Living Foundation ha ... -
Programma di formazione alla leadership giovanile
YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM (YLTP) Building Dynamic Leaders for Tomorrow Lakshminarayanan, from a small village in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, was once on the verge of suicide. Only in his early 20s, he thought his problems were unprecedented ... -
Sviluppo rurale
Holistic life through 5H Program (Homes, Healthcare, Hygiene, Human values and Harmony in diversity) The 5H program aims at ensuring that every rural area/village has Homes for the homeless, Healthcare, Hygiene, Human Values and Harmony in diversit ...