What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. How to Communicate Effectively?

    The king and the astrologer I want to tell you a story! Once, an astrologer went to visit a king. The king showed great reverence to the astrologer, made him sit down and honored him with gifts.The king then showed his palm and the charts to an astrologer ...
  2. Here is Why You Must Not Judge or Blame

    Recognize Your Tendency to Judge and Blame We all have this tendency – we judge ourselves too much, or we judge others. Either you start blaming yourself, or you blame somebody else. Either you find you are not right, or you find that someone else is not ...
  3. Le tre cose per le quali viviamo

    Tokyo, Japan Dobbiamo osservare la vita da una visione più ampia. Noi conosciamo la vita e il mondo intero attraverso i sensi, attraverso la vista, l’udito, il tatto, e la comprensione. La conoscenza che riceviamo attraverso i cinque sensi è ad un livello. ...