Wisdom Search


  1. Gurudev, I understand that all religions are messengers of peace and divinity, then why does only Hinduism care for animals?

    There are many things you can wonder about different religions. You need to see the uniqueness in every religion and in every tradition. The uniqueness of any religion is a world heritage.Now, you should not forget that there are Jains who are tot ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, it happens often with me that when I think or say something, it happens immediately or after a while.

    This is what happens when you meditate. Whatever you think starts happening, or whatever is going to happen, those thoughts come to you. Before you need something, you already have it and that is a perfection, so you better ask for s ...
  3. Today you had tweeted an interesting article that consciousness creates this physical world. So many universes are being created through consciousness. How is this possible?

    Yes, there are multitudes of universes, one inside the other. Our brain is nothing but a frequency analyzer. Our perception is like keeping a radio needle on one particular frequency. If you move that (meaning if you change your perception) then another ...
  4. Be Understanding Of Others

    Gurudev, how to handle teenagers? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is an old Sanskrit proverb which says, ‘Praptetu shodase varshe, putram mitra vada chareth’. If your son or daughter becomes 16 years you should no longer be their parents, but you should becom ...
  5. Gurudev, how to handle teenagers?

    There is an old Sanskrit proverb which says, ‘Praptetu shodase varshe, putram mitra vada chareth’. If your son or daughter becomes 16 years you should no longer be their parents, but you should become their friend. You should b ...
  6. Smile Through Every Challenge

    The challenge in life is to find peace amidst chaos. See there is no much noise here. Tell me how many of you are getting irritated because there is so much noise in the background? (Some in the audience raise their hands)I think there are more of you. So ...
  7. Sorting Right From Wrong

    (Below is a continuation of the post A Love That Never Dies) Gurudev, how do I know that what I am doing is right? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: At least now what you’re doing is right by asking this question. We must ask questions. When you stop asking questions ...
  8. Gurudev, when I get close to my goal, suddenly something thing happens and I am not able to reach my goal. This happens every time. What to do?

    I want you to revisit your own life and see how many times you have succeeded. Whenever a problem comes in front of us, we eternalize and generalize it. We should stop this. If there is a problem and you say, I want you to say, ‘Oh, I will face this proble ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, as a working mother, I cannot spend quality time with my child. In this modern age what is your advice to working mothers?

    Where there is a will there is a way. Children are not the problem. Here is Elonka, she has three little kids and with three little kids she would conduct courses. She would feed the baby then give it to someone to take care and then she would conduct the ...
  10. Dear Gurudev, when it comes to parenting, what is the difference between responsibility and attachment or bondage?

    When it comes to children, it is a sacred responsibility. Our responsibility is not just providing food, shelter and education. We should see that their mentality, emotions, intellect, thoughts and behavior is on the right track. This is necessary. ...