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Velvilligt at gennemgå det, der er svært, er tapas
Fortsat fra vidensartikel 47 Hvad er Kriya Yoga? Det omfatter tre dele. Patanjali siger apaha.Tapas er udholdenhed og accept. Lad os sige, du rejser med fly; det er et langdistance fly. Du sidder, og dine ben bliver følelsesløse. Du er træt, men du bliver ... -
5 tips til at optimere din Padma Sadhana
Padma Sadhana er en meget blid og dyb yogateknik, der giver en oplevelse af meditation gennem asanas (yogastillinger). Hele Padma Sadhana sekvensen varer 45 minutter og omfatter 15 minutters yogastillinger, 5 minutters pranayama (åndedrætsteknik), 20 minu ... -
The Importance of Solitude
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 78 Contd. from knowledge sheet 77 “By personal hygiene and cleanliness to your own physical body, there will be disinclination towards the body or there will be cessation of craving for contact with different parts of ... -
Festen er Ovre! Detox med Yoga
Er du træt efter feriens og højtidens fest og fejringer? Men holdt du ferien og festen for at blive træt? Ferier vil også komme i fremtiden og du vil blive træt igen. Hvad er enden på denne uendelige hønen og ægget-historie? Læs med... Danseskoene er dans ... -
Rising Above Negative Principles
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 77 Contd. from knowledge sheet 76 “Vitarka badhane pratipaksha bhavanam’’ (II Sutra 33) Vitarka = improper thoughts; Badhane = troubling; Pratipaksha = opposite; Bhavanam = side. “When improper thoughts trouble y ... -
Yoga – The Natural Immunity Booster
As the seasons change, the chances of falling sick rise sharply. It’s difficult for our body to keep the pathogens at bay when the immunity levels are down and people around us are sneezing and coughing. Though we cannot shun from being in contact with th ... -
Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 2
Continued from Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 1 'Yoga and Life at Workplace' Swami Shivananda Saraswati said: 'Yoga is a process of education leading to inner discipline, inner clarity and inner strength. With st ... -
How corporate yoga will help your business
Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Imagine walking into an office of grumpy and disgruntled employees on a daily basis. It’s unappealing and d ... -
Sri Sri Yoga
In Sri Sri Yoga, the techniques of Yoga are taught in a light, joyful and thorough manner – equally useful and suitable for different levels of Yoga students, from beginners to advanced. Sri Sri Yoga beautifully combines all the following aspects – Yoga A ... -
Adho Mukha Svanasana- Downward Facing Dog Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose) Adho – Forward; Mukha – Face; Svana- Dog The asana is pronounced as A-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAS-anna Adho mukha svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. This a ...