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  1. Make Optimism Your Way of Life-2

    This is continued from Make Optimism Your Way of Life (Part-1) 3. Have Unshakable Faith In Yourself Say you feel like experimenting with cooking one fine day. You do all the right things – carefully add the right spices, follow all the little guidelines i ...
  2. How to be optimistic every day

    Before inventing the light bulb, Thomas Alva Edison, made no less than 1,000 unsuccessful attempts. But, can you imagine failing 1,000 times? How would you react to it? After inventing the bulb, Edison said, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was ...
  3. Meditation for Anxiety: 4 ways to beat anxiety

    Anxious moments come in everyone’s lives. Some have them more often and some experience it more intensely. Some bodies react to it- binge-eating, momentary paralysis, many others. Whatever be the scale and frequency of this emotion in your life, there are ...
  4. Meditation: A Budget-Free Retreat

    I wish everyday was a Sunday; I am so stuck with work... I wish I could take a holiday; Who really has the time to take a holiday with so much work... you must be kidding! Do you know how much a 3-4 day holiday to a hill station would cost you...I have be ...
  5. Meditation: A Budget-Free Retreat

    I wish everyday was a Sunday; I am so stuck with work... I wish I could take a holiday; Who really has the time to take a holiday with so much work... you must be kidding! Do you know how much a 3-4 day holiday to a hill station would cost you...I have be ...
  6. Slow Down Your Aging Clock

    Do you see yourself become wiser day by day, yet are slowly coming to terms with a body and mind that is aging? Aging does affect us physically and psychologically. Though we cannot reverse the molecular clock and our physical age, we can surely slow down ...
  7. Tips for Experienced Meditators (During Meditation)

    Because our minds are so habituated to effort and striving, it may be difficult for many of us, even after years of practice, to simply let go. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has provided uniquely simple and profound guidance on how to free the mind from ef ...
  8. Ultimate Meditator's Menu

    Have you ever thought that the food you eat may be the secret to deeper meditation? Here's a food guide designed exclusively to help meditators go deeper.  Have you ever had one of those days where you sit  to meditate  but you feel sleepy or are bom ...
  9. Can't Stick to Your Meditation Practice? (Part-2)

    This is continued from ' Can't Stick to Your Meditation Practice? (Part-1)' #4 choose a meditation technique that you enjoy and find effective and stick to it It is better not to keep changing techniques. We suggest practising either Sahaj ...
  10. Can't Stick to Your Meditation Practice? (Part-1)

    Are you a woman who really enjoys the experience of meditation finds it difficult to incorporate into your daily routine? Maybe you’re juggling work with raising kids, or perhaps you have young children who are very demanding. If you’re a homemaker, perha ...