
Search results

  1. Gift Ideas for Meditator Friend

    Want to buy a gift for your meditator friend and at a loss for ideas? Here are some suggestions that may help. They range in price from a small investment to a major commitment. All too often the gifts we give or receive end up not being particularly sign ...
  2. Why Have a Meditator Life Partner?

    Looking for and finding a life partner is like getting ready for an adventure of a lifetime and not always knowing where it may lead. But three things can help – compassion as a guide map, meditation as a compass, and love as a light to show the way. In t ...
  3. How To Enjoy This Winter Season More?

    In the stillness of winter, meditate to rediscover the power of inner stillness Winter is the time to get cosy and celebrate with your family, whether it is Christmas, New Year, or just a family get together. But sometimes, small things like a sore throat ...
  4. How to be more courageous with meditation

    Would you like to be more courageous in life? Have you been too scared to take a leap into a better future for yourself? Often in challenging times we resort to the safe and familiar ways of reacting and afterwards regret that we weren't more courage ...
  5. Pre Meditation tips for experienced meditators

    Congratulations on meditating regularly for several years, or more! No doubt by now you’re very familiar with the wonderful beneficial changes that come through consistent practice. To allow your meditations to be deeper and more impactful, we present her ...
  6. Live Life To The Fullest With Meditation

    It was Friday evening. Priyanka and I decided to try out a new Thai restaurant adjacent to our workplace for dinner. We entered the grand building and gradually settled into the plush ambience. The setting and the welcome was quite spectacular. We opened ...
  7. Mullah Nasruddin and Flavors of Success

    Mullah Nasruddin is a satirical Sufi figure whose name is used in numerous stories to add a touch of wit and humor. His funny anecdotes make people burst into fits of laughter. Different people, same goals – Success, Happiness. What is a measure of succes ...
  8. Meditation: The Taste of True Freedom

    Every human being wants to be free. But when the mind gets caught up in a never-ending list of day-to-day activities, it seems like the search is forgotten. But meditation allows you to come back to your true nature. On a spiritual quest, freedom, meditat ...
  9. Take A Break, Meditate!

    ‘Give me a break!’ screams the mind as we rush towards finishing a list of to-dos: work meetings, home responsibilities, ‘me’ time! There is constant roller coaster of emotions: joy, frustration and stress. Before you know it, there is the next set of res ...
  10. Meditators’ speak: 7 Songs of Innocence

    “When the mind transcends the senses, it comes back to its true nature which is innocence – in no sense.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Beauty is best expressed in the song of the heart. The following verses capture these magical reflections of a few people-of-t ...