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  1. Meditation – A Free Fall into Yourself

    Shreya Chugh, an Art of Living teacher for youth courses and an avid adventure sports enthusiast, shares with Eben Felix her love for the sport and how meditation has helped enhance the thrill for her passion. Standing high on a rock…high enough to smell ...
  2. Meditate For a Healthy Lifestyle

    How do I know I am living a healthy lifestyle? How high is my healthy lifestyle quotient? How can I improve it? Isn’t this something that we all wonder about at some point in life? The way you live your life determines your lifestyle. There is something t ...
  3. Meditation for a Travel Bug

    There are two kinds of people in this world. One, for whom traveling is a passion and a lot of fun. Exploring new places, tasting different foods, discovering new cultures – they are simply smitten by the travel bug! And then there’s another category of p ...
  4. Power of Meditation

    Ever thought meditation could be as enjoyable as slurping an ice cream cone or feeling the cool breeze on your face? Well, that’s the power of meditation – it sensitizes you to every little thing around you, creating a heightened awareness and a deeper ca ...
  5. How meditation helps in time management, adds hours to your day

    It often happens that an entire day passes by and there is still a good amount of work left to be done. Time management has become a burden for many. Although we have our schedule in place for each day, there is something that slows us down, leaving us be ...
  6. How to enjoy the ‘same old stuff’?

    Tired of multi-tasking? Or utterly confused between having tea or coffee? Some simple everyday situations in each of our lives which turn out to be ‘not so simple’ sometimes. Meditate and feel better! Have you experienced this? Shopping in a supermarket, ...
  7. How to Create Your Own Meditation Space?

    Meditation is ‘your time’ and you surely want to make it special. Although if you have been meditating for some time now, you would already know that perhaps your meditation time is anyway special – probably one of the very few times during the day when y ...