
Search results

  1. Meditatsioon mantraga

    The peace and happiness we feverishly seek in the world are already contained within us, covered only by the clouds of stress and strain. These clouds are lifted with Sahaj Samadhi meditation – a gift of wisdom from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. This is a ...
  2. Why Have a Meditator Life Partner?

    Looking for and finding a life partner is like getting ready for an adventure of a lifetime and not always knowing where it may lead. But three things can help – compassion as a guide map, meditation as a compass, and love as a light to show the way. In t ...
  3. Sa ei suuda oma meditatsioonipraktikale kindlaks jääda? (Osa-2)

    See on jätk artiklile "Ei suuda oma meditatsioonipraktikale kindlaks jääda? (Osa-1)   #4 vali meditatsioonitehnika, mida sa naudid ja tulemuslikuks pead ning jää selle juurde Parem on meditatsioonitehnikaid mitte pidevalt vahetada. Me soovitame prakt ...
  4. Meditation for Seekers

    Where are you on the spiritual path? You may think of yourself as a spiritual person, but when you are caught in a traffic jam, or someone disagrees with you, your spiritual nature seems to take a holiday. Worries, sorrows and disturbances are certain to ...
  5. Meditation and music: Unlocking the door of your heart

    My gaze was fixed on his fingers moving deftly across the strings of his guitar. Words that came out of his mouth created a sensational effect on me. My body swayed along the gentle breeze which also seemed to be dancing to the tune that Vikram played tha ...
  6. Spirituality is getting in touch with yourself

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Why is it a challenge to be compassionate to ourselves? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Because we are in the habit of blaming ourselves. On the spiritual path the first rule is stop blaming y ...
  7. De-stress with Guided Meditation

    From Sound to Silence Meditation Looking for a few quiet, refreshing moments during any busy and stressful day? This guided meditaion will help you de-stress yourself in just a few minutes. Outcome: ' A refreshed you', ready to resume your work ...
  8. Meditatsioon igapäevaelus

    Mediatsioon on justkui meele puhtaks pesemiseks vannis käimine. Piisab, kui Sa käid hommikul duši all ja pesed oma keha puhtaks — pärast seda võid sa asuda oma igapäevategemiste kallale. Sul ei ole vaja päeva jooksul üha uuesti duši all käia. Samamoodi ra ...
  9. Meditatsiooni tervendav mõju

    „Meditatsiooni teel võib toimuda tervenemine. Kui meel on rahulik, ärgas ja täieliku rahulolu seisundis, siis on ta nagu laserkiir— ta on väga võimas ja aset võib leida tervenemine.“ — Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ainult terve pung on võimeline õide puhke ...
  10. Meditation is not difficult

    “Meditate? Who, me?” A common reaction by many who feel that meditation is the most difficult thing to do. When we are so used to doing some activity all the time then sitting with our eyes closed for even 10 minutes and doing nothing sounds absurd. Let u ...