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  1. One-Legged Forward Bend (Janu Shirasasana)

    How to do One-Legged Forward Bend (Janu Shirasasana) Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping the spine erect. Bend the left knee and place the left foot against the right thigh, keeping the left knee on the floor. Breathing in ...
  2. Levels of Existence

    Meditation & Levels of Existence Spirituality is observing your own existence. Have you experienced your own body? Experiencing the various levels of existence- your own body, your breath, your mind, your emotion, and the source of your life- is medit ...
  3. 6 ways how meditation heals traumatic experiences

    Traumatic experiences can alter one’s personality. Trauma brings a number of neurological changes, but meditation can help in overcoming a traumatic experience, making a person calmer, peaceful and relieved of stress. Maria (name changed) and Ahmed are a ...
  4. The space within

    The Washington Post You cannot measure the amount of energy inside an atom. Similarly,you cannot measure the full potential of a human being. The nature of a human being is quite similar to that of an atom. The core of an atom is positive. The negatively c ...
  5. MoU for Haiti relief effort

    Furthering efforts to rebuild Haiti after the earthquake, the Art of Living founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Haiti relief with North Miami Mayor, Andre D. Pierre, Esq. on April 27. The aim of the MoU is t ...
  6. Sundays are river cleaning days

    30 citizens strive to make a cleaner, greener environment Pune, India: Every Sunday, volunteers from the Art of Living choose to spend their mornings, scouring for rubbish in Pune’s canals (nalas).A part of the ‘Maze Pune, Maze Naadi’ initiative, this clea ...
  7. Guinness Record for Art of Living’s musical symphony

    BANGALORE: Antarnaad, a grand Hindustani classical musical symphony hosted by the Art of Living foundation in Pune on January 12, 2010 was awarded an entry into the Guinness Book of World records.The citation issued by the Guinness World Records Ltd, reads ...
  8. The Art of Living- Virtually Rediscovered

    Bangalore, India: “Technology has made the world into a global village, spirituality has made it into a family,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder, Art of Living.The Art of Living launched a redesigned website ( with a fresh lo ...
  9. Two USA cities announce Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Days

    Bangalore: Two USA cities, Denver and Milwaukee, have announced April 20, 2010 and April 23, 2010, respectively as Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Day, in honour of Gurudev’s humanitarian and spiritual contributions worldwide.The two cities join twelve other ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More