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  1. The Importance of Solitude

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 78 Contd. from knowledge sheet 77 “By personal hygiene and cleanliness to your own physical body, there will be disinclination towards the body or there will be cessation of craving for contact with different parts of ...
  2. Rising Above Negative Principles

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 77 Contd. from knowledge sheet 76   “Vitarka badhane pratipaksha bhavanam’’ (II Sutra 33) Vitarka = improper thoughts; Badhane = troubling; Pratipaksha = opposite; Bhavanam   = side.   “When improper thoughts trouble y ...
  3. Are You Looking For Freedom From Unhappiness?

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Knowledge Sheet 33 Contd. from knowledge sheet 32 “Vishok¢ v¢ jyotishmatiÃ’’ vishok¢ = getting rid of unhappiness; v¢ = or; jyotishmatià = the bright effulgent state of the mind “Get rid of unhappiness and at the same time know that ...
  4. Be Compassionate with Unhappy People

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 29 Contd. from knowledge sheet 28 Now, what about unhappy people? If you are friendly with unhappy people, what happens? You also become unhappy. So he says do not be friendly with unhappy people, but be compassionat ...
  5. Experiencing Thoughtlessness

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 44 Contd. from knowledge sheet 43 (I Sutra 47) “Nirvachara vaisharadye adhyatma prasadaha” N irvichara = thoughtless, a state of being hollow and empty; vaisharadye = undisturbed pure flow; adhyatma = spiritual; prasad ...
  6. You have to take a step!

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 74 Contd. from knowledge sheet 73 I will tell you another Mullah story. Mullah Nasruddin used to grumble all the time. He was a farmer and so he would grumble that there were no rains for many years. He would say, “Oh, ...
  7. Cleanliness Counts!

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 72 Contd. from knowledge sheet 71 In ancient days, people would invite the wise ones to their homes or dwelling, and give them food. When the wise ones would accept the food, then to show them gratitude for having acce ...
  8. Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Commentary by Gurudev

    We will begin with a story, the greatest and most effective way of conveying knowledge. Once upon a time, long ago, all the Munis and Rishis approached Lord Vishnu to tell him that even though He (incarnated as Lord Dhanvanthari) had given them the means ...
  9. The Body is Inside the Mind

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 52 Contd. from knowledge sheet 51 I don’t mean that you always show being wishy-washy. That is also self-deception. You do not have to be so vagary. Some people keep saying, “Everything is nice, everything is nice”. Th ...
  10. What is Aparigraha?

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 71 Contd. from knowledge sheet 70 "Agarigraha sthairye janmakathamta sambodhaha'' (II Sutra 39) Aparigraha = non-accumulation; Sthairye = established; Janmakathamta = of how births happen; Sambhodhaha = ...