Media Coverage

Quest for Spirituality
April 1, 2007
"A modern spiritual movement that symbolizes our desire for inner peace"

Emperor of Air
August 28, 2007
"Art of Living may be the fastest growing spiritual practice on the planet"

Art of Living on CNN Project Life
April 1, 2008
“Life Changing”

Editor's Picks: The Seven Most Powerful People In India
November 11, 2009
"emphasizes meditation as a way to relieve stress ... cuts across religious lines, and offers practitioners a tool to deal with urban angst"

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Desktop Yoga and Doga
June 23, 2015
“It (Yoga) is not aerobics. It’s something that transforms your attitude towards people and yourself—a technology.”

11 Yoga Retreats You Can Actually Afford
February 17, 2016
“this weekend course will teach you meditation and breathing practices to help you focus on the present”

How Meditation Transformed This Entrepreneur’s Approach To Work And Life
March 14, 2016
“It changed my life literally overnight.” ~Louis Gagnon, CEO of MyBrainSolutions

Why Students At Elite Colleges Are Turning To Meditation
March 23, 2016
“It makes you realize that you have a choice of how you feel and that you can control your own environment rather than it controlling you.”

An Incredible Alternative to Mindfulness You Never Heard Of
April 9, 2016
"Does meditation make you anxious or mad? Here's a science backed alternative."

Breathing is the New Yoga! 9 Shortcuts to Calming Anxiety
August 11, 2016
Sudarshan Kriya’s engagement of the parasympathetic nervous system can rebalance brain chemistry.

5 Wellness Retreats to Detox and Restore Your Bliss
January 12, 2017
"The Art of Living Retreat Center offers programs rooted in ancient Ayurvedic healing principles"

You’re Not Breathing Right
May 17, 2017
"classes that will school you in the art of inhaling"

3 Science-Backed Ways to Relieve Pain and Stress
August 7, 2017
"Calm your nervous system with the relaxation response"

13 Yoga Retreats You Can Actually Afford
February 5, 2018
"eliminate stress, fatigue, and other negative emotions"

Best International Wellness Retreats
March 11, 2018
"truly tailored to (your) wellness needs"
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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inte...

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Jerusalem, 22nd October 2...

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Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shan...

Katrina Trauma ...
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Sri Sri on CNN...
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inte...

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Jerusalem, 22nd October 2...

Gurudev Sri Sri...
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shan...

Katrina Trauma ...
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