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Hurdles on the Path of Yoga
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 24 Contd. from knowledge sheet 23 What are the obstacles on the path to discovery? They add up to nine. "Vyadhistyanasamshaya pramadalasyavirati bhrantidarshanalabdha bhoomikatvanavasthitatvani chittavikshepaste ... -
Sri Sri Yoga Level 1
“Yoga means to be free from sorrow and to avoid the sorrow which might come in the future.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Experience the union of body, breath and mind in a joyful manner through yoga postures at Sri Sri Yoga Level 1. Meditations ... -
Live in the Moment
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 13 Contd. from knowledge sheet 12 Dispassion does not take joy away from you. Dispassion gives you joy that nothing else can give you. There is a verse in Shankaracharya’s composition Bhaja Govindam: Kasya sukham na ... -
A Fountain of Yogis in the Coast of Oman
The Gulf and Middle East region were inundated by a surge of Yoga during the first half of 2012. With Yogathon 2012, came Kamlesh Barwal (a senior Sri Sri Yoga teacher) who toured the region. Her penultimate stop was in Oman where she conducted the advanc ... -
Yoga and Ayurveda
'Ayu' means 'Life', and 'Veda' means 'Knowledge'. Hence, knowledge of our life is called 'Ayurveda'. This science elaborates many lifestyle patterns. Ayurveda is conducive to the path of yoga. It helps us ... -
Yoga and Nature
'Abiding in the nature of the seer is Yoga'- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Yoga takes you close to your true nature. Yoga with its techniques helps you to harmonize with nature. Peace is our very nature and yoga leads you to inner peace. To rem ... -
Yoga and Meditation
Many wonder why it is necessary to meditate after practising Yoga asanas/ postures. One of the many benefits of practising yoga asanas/ postures is the fact that it allows us to slip into meditation effortlessly. Meditation being one of the main aspects o ... -
Yoga and Food
When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. ~Ayurvedic Proverb ‘Isn’t it enough just to practice the Yoga asanas/ poses, do I have to regulate my food?’ wonder many. In itself, practicing Yoga asanas is one of th ... -
In which yoga posture should I sit for meditation?
“If you want to stand on one leg and meditate, that is also fine," smiled Dinesh Ghodke, senior Art of Living teacher, when replying to this question. "You can meditate in any posture in which you feel comfortable and can hold steadily.” Surpris ... -
Why should you choose village yoga
Yoga is said to be the union of the body, mind and the breath. Though there are a prescribed set of asanas that take you through that journey- the principles of yoga can be applied across any activity and any situation. “Yoga is not just exercise and asan ...