
Yogathon 2014

Yogathon is an initiative to create awareness about yoga and create interest in its practice for a healthier living. 

Since it’s inception in 2012, Yogathon has grown from 6 cities in Canada to become a global event every year.  We believe that yoga is more about touching your heart than touching your toes. So, come join us on December 6, #RISEFORACAUSE and help spread more love and more positivity in the world! All proceeds support KELY SUPPORT GROUP, a local organisation which supports youth between the ages of 14 to 24 and focus on peer support, leadership development and mentorship.

DECEMBER 6TH: A Yoga day in Hong Kong!

Yogathon is an initiative to create awareness about yoga and create interest in its practice for a healthier living. The event challenges participants to complete 108 sun salutations and raises funds. We will start the day with some light yoga, then move on to do 108 sun salutations, and end with some snacks.


Take the sun salutation challenge. Let your inner fire burn.

Surya namaskar, or the sun salutation, is a dynamic sequence of movements performed to celebrate the sun, while building strength and improving flexibility.  The fluid, rhythmic postures awaken the whole body, focus the mind, and enliven the breath.  Want to get started but not sure where to begin? Learn it here.

WHY 108?

A sacred number.

The number 108 has a variety of historical, spiritual, scientific, mathematical, and symbolic meanings.  It has become a tradition for yoga practitioners to perform 108 sun salutations.  This is most often done in large groups and often as an offering of peace or hope. 


The power of a collective ommmmmm... 

On December 6, participants will transcend barriers of age, culture and physical ability to take the group 108 sun salutation challenge, as symbolic offering of hope to the youth around the world. You can also take the group challenge, team up with a maximum of 10 people and complete the challenge together.


THE ORGANISER: Art of Living Hong Kong

The Art of Living Foundation is an international nonprofit educational, charitable, and humanitarian foundation, dedicated to serving the society by strengthening the individual. Art of Living’s educational and self development programs offer techniques to eliminate stress, improve health, expand awareness and resolve conflict and have been enjoyed by millions of people in over 152 countries. The Art of Living Foundation is run almost exclusively by dedicated volunteers cutting across all beliefs and cultural boundaries. The Foundation was founded by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1981. The Art of Living Foundation presence in Hong Kong began in 1992. It has actively served the community by regularly holding the Art of Living Courses and other related activities. The Centre is constantly addressing the needs of the community by offering free of charge courses to different organisations such us Caritas Elder Center, Cancerlink, Sham Sui Po Soco, Befriender at Pak Tin and Isshk Hope Support Center. N


THE BENEFICIARY: Kely Support Group

KELY is a non-government funded bilingual organisation which provides empathetic, non-judgmental, confidential and inclusive support to youth between the ages of 14 to 24.

Their programmes and services focus on drug and alcohol prevention and intervention and are specially designed to tackle the root causes of abuse, including boredom, peer pressure, lack of self-awareness, low self-esteem, poverty, unemployment, and discrimination. These include the provision of: harm reduction education to schools; multimedia / art programmes for students; circus arts and peer support training; youth forums and discussion groups; and individual and group counselling. Founds raised on Yogathon will proceed to local charity. Now more about Kely here. 

Who organizes Yogathon?
Yogathon is organised and executed by volunteers of the Art of Living Foundation.
What is Yogathon – 108 Sun Salutation Challenge?
Yogathon is an initiative to create awareness about yoga and create interest in its practice for a healthier living. The event challenges participants to complete 108 sun salutations and raises funds for KELLY SUPPORT GROUP, an organisation which supports youth between the ages of 14 to 24 in Hong Kong. Yogathon – 108 Sun Salutation is the largest single-day, volunteer-led yoga event around the world in support of education.
Where is Yogathon 2014?
Yogathon takes place in Estoril Court Club House, 55 Garden Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong.
Do I actually have to complete 108 sun salutations?
No, you can also complete 108 Sun Salutations as a group. Each group member decides how many they would like to do for their group, maybe 2-10 depending on your capability, the idea is to have fun and not tire yourself.
How can I sponsor Yogathon?
You can make donations on Art of Living Hang Seng Bank  account 266-261-924-002. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please call 2311 2298 or email
Do I need my own yoga mat?
We suggest you bring your own yoga mat. Yoga mats will not be available for purchase.
When should I arrive?
We suggest that you arrive 9:30 sharp. This gives you time to check-in at the registration desk, find your spot and relax
I would like to join a team. How do I do this?
We’d be happy to help, please email the Foundation
What is the minimum number of people required to form a team?
The minimum for a team is two members. There is a maximum of 10.
Can I still donate to the event even if I can’t attend?
Yes! You can contact our center for more information.



Regular practice of Sun Salutation benefits your body with:

  • Reduces depression, anxiety and stress.
  • Stretches and tones your muscles keeping them supple and flexible.
  • Enhances concentration and intuition.
  • Burns excess calories and tones the body.
  • Regulates endocrinal system leading to better metabolism, absorption of nutrition and elimination of toxins.
  • Helps you look young through better cell rejuvenation
  • Excellent alternative to caffeine and other stimulants
  • Calms the mind and helps get better sleep
  • Increases the quantity of “good mood” neurotransmitters like Serotonin
    Improves posture, flexibility and balance and stability of mind


For regular practice of Yoga you are invited to join us every Saturday from 3 to 4:30pm at Art of Living Hong Kong Centre at 9/F, Good Harvest Commercial Building, 515-517 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.