Communism and Spirituality

Komunizmas turi tris tikslus: kontroliuoti feodalinės ir kapitalistinės visuomenės godumą, sustabdyti religinių bendruomenių fanatizmą bei fundamentalizmą ir rūpintis skurstančiaisiais, dalytis su jais ištekliais.

  • Tik dvasingumas įgyvendina komunizmą

Only spirituality can bring fulfillment to communism. Only spirituality can check greed and open up the hearts of the rich to help the needy. Only spirituality can check the fanaticism and fundamentalism of religious groups and create a sense of belongingness in the whole world. Only spirituality brings up the tendency to care and share in one’s life. Only spirituality can bring about open mindedness and a progressive attitude.

Communism cannot fulfill its goals without spirituality. It is impossible and time has proved it. Spirituality nourishes communism.

Knowledge Nibble!

Question: If you have a Guru do you need luck?

Gurudev: You need luck to have a Guru! (Laughter)