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Нурууны өвчинд зориулсан йог
Most people tend to suffer from lower or upper back pain. Barring a few cases of slipped disk, the majority tend to collect stress and tension, which results in week abdominal muscles and eventually, back pain. Regular yoga practice will go far in relievi ... -
Таргалалтаас сэргийлэх йог
According to ayurveda, it’s not about reducing weight. It’s about breaking that tendency to gain weight. And in order to do that, one needs a new lifestyle altogether. Reasons for obesity vary – it could be mental depression, and that doesn’t mean you eat ... -
Чихрийн шижинд зориулсан йог
Everyone benefits from yoga- if they undergo proper training and continue with the practice. Regular practice of yoga benefits the body in the following ways: It improves digestion, circulation, and immunity Yoga enhances function of neurological and endo ...