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  1. What Is A Sign Of Growth

    (Below is a continuation of the post Why Good Poeple Should Take More Responsibility) Is there a “right” way, or, is it all an illusion? Is there something that needs to be DONE here, or is just BEING here good enough? How to know what one should do next? ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, I have come here because I have heard your call and also because I know that deep inside I need to change in order to be free. What should I do for it?

    You are in the right place. Pick up any Seva project and work sincerely for it, you will find that inertia disappears. Do more Pranayama and meditation. If you feel it is difficult to do it alone, then ask two to four people to join you and do pranayama ...
  3. Gurudev, I never feel like bringing chocolates, sweets, rakhis or flowers etc., for you. Do I not have the love for you?

    Yes, that’s very good. You are wise. And you do have the love for me, I know. You recognize me when you do not bring all this. When people bring flowers to me it means to say, “Gurudev, you have yet to blossom more”.When people b ...
  4. Gurudev, you have almost fulfilled each and everyone’s wishes. Is there any wish of yours that is left to be fulfilled?

    If that is the case then I would not be sitting here. No one can sit here (in Satsang) with unfulfilled wants and desires. When desires quieten down, then bliss and happiness springs forth from within.My answer for this question is both ‘yes ...
  5. Is there a “right” way, or, is it all an illusion? Is there something that needs to be DONE here, or is just BEING here good enough? How to know what one should do next? Should we stick to what is safe, or should we try the unknown? If we genuinely have no idea about what to do, then what should we do? How to get rid of this confusion?

    I don’t want to add to your confusion, my dear. My job is to create confusion. Actually, I am not here to convince you. You know, confusion is like the fire in which you bake very well. What does Confusion mean? It means one set of concept ...
  6. Why Good People Should Take More Responsibility

    (Below is a continuation of the post Be Happy And Make Others Happy Too) I am a doctor, what can I do for the world, and whom can I help? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a lot you can do. You can do research. A doctor’s words carry a lot of importance for ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, I am an allopathic doctor. When I learnt about Ayurveda, I feel my science is not complete. Yet I also cannot invest time to learn five years of Ayurveda. How can I make my medical practice more holistic with Ayurveda? How can I integrate Ayurveda?

    You know, Ayurveda doctors ask the same question about Allopathy (laughter). I know that many queries and requests of this kind have come up and we shall discuss it with the Ministry of AYUSH, and see if it is possible to design a short course in ...
  8. I am a doctor, what can I do for the world, and whom can I help?

    There is a lot you can do. You can do research. A doctor’s words carry a lot of importance for people, like the gospel truth. You should tell people, “Come on, sit and meditate for some time”.You can encourage people towards a ...
  9. Be Happy And Make Others Happy Too

    Be happy and content!We should think about two main goals for ourselves in life:#1. What is it that you want to achieve in life.#2. What do you wish to give or contribute to society before you leave this planet.Both these goals should go hand in hand in l ...
  10. How do I know whether I am in the right or wrong profession? Is it natural to feel reluctance or disinterest to something we were earlier fond of? Please guide

    I tell you, every profession has its ups and downs. Sometimes you will like your profession; later on, you do not like it. Ask a doctor, or an engineer, or a politician about this. At some point or the other in their career they all feel frustrated. The ...