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In spite of being an Art of Living practitioner for over 20 years, I still struggle with depression. What are your concrete recommendations? Should I do more chanting? Or seva? Or more meditation? Or work with my mind? Gratefully yours.
First of all, there is a mantra for depression. You want to know how to get depressed? Sit and think about, 'What about me? What about me? What about me?' You will get depressed. When you come out of that, and see, What is it I can do, how I can contrib ... -
I am constantly shocked and very much angered by the racism and sexism that exists in my country. I live in the US. With all the racial violence and injustices going on it’s hard not to feel frightened or angry. How can I best help others to stop being so ignorant? I feel powerless sometimes.
Now tell me, by being angry, does it solve the problem? No. It will only enhance the problem. So that is where we need to work together. Alone you cannot do anything. Alone you will feel very helpless. But as a community, as a group of individuals who w ... -
Dear Gurudev, I would like to hear you talk more about the mysterious power of human sexuality. Can you give us some ideas as to how to deal with the power of sexuality?
I don’t know about it. But remember you are all born from sex. We have a tendency of saying it is bad or a sin, or on the other side you indulge in it too much. You must walk the middle path. Moderation in everything. Life should have moderat ... -
Gurudev, is there a secret to relationships? How can I improve my relationship with my spouse?
Well, you’re asking the wrong person. I have no experience in this. But still I would say, you need to accept the differences, and not insist on others changing to your way at once. You can only suggest your way to others, but not in ... -
Dear Gurudev, is there a difference between the soul and the mind?
Mind is that which perceives. See, 'you are looking at me' is through the mind. If mind is elsewhere, you can’t see me, right? If you’re not paying attention, if you’re not being mindful, you can’t hear what I’m saying. Whe ... -
How Celebrating Our Differences Brings Us Together
(Below is the continuation of the post The Key To A Happy Life) In our World Cultural Festival, there were many challenges, many things seemed impossible. One was the seven acre stage that had to seat 8,500 artists. All the artists had to sit at different ... -
The Key To A Happy Life
My goodness, look at all the decoration that has been done! I think you all get bored looking at me, so you want to look at something more. This decoration is for all of you to look at and enjoy; it is not for me, your smile is good enough for me. Cooking ... -
Whats The Point Of Praying
(Below is a continuation of the post How To Create A Life Of True Fulfilment) I want to be 'Sthita Pragna' not get drifted by cravings and aversions. What should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The moment you recognize that there is craving and aversion, I am ... -
It is said in Yoga Vashishta that one of the four gatekeepers to liberation is satsang (the company of truth). Please elaborate.
Yes, one of the four gatekeepers to enlightenment is satsang, which means having the right company because it is a good company that uplifts you. How do you realize what is a good company? Just sit with someone and talk to them for over 30 minut ... -
What is Pitru Dosha, how does it affect our daily life and how do we correct it?
Pitru Dosha comes out of torturing the parents or ancestors. If children torture the parents and do not understand them, then that is called Pitru Dosha. The parents have brought you up with so much love, taking pain they have given you a good li ...