Wisdom Search

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  1. How to experience freedom and peace of mind in this complex daily life? I am bound by my duties and responsibilities very tightly.

    That is good. That is the contrast in life every day. When you come back home from your job, relax and sit for meditation for a few minutes every day. Nothing stops you from doing that. Just like we have dental hygiene, meditation is for your me ...
  2. I am happy and calm now. What can I do to maintain this state throughout life?

    Share it with more and more people. Joy or wisdom if not shared with others starts dwindling. Now this does not mean you go to others and start teaching them Bhastrika Pranayama, or the Sudarshan Kriya. Unless you get properly train ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, why are we all here in this world?

    This is a very good question. It is a million dollar question. I want you to keep this question with yourself. I will never take it away from you, because this question is like a vehicle for you to transform your life, make unwanted things drop off from ...
  4. What is the ultimate and greatest truth of life? Is it to be happy, or to make one’s family happy, or to serve humankind, or to reach the Divine?

    The ultimate journey starts with one step. Just do not sit and dream about the ultimate. Instead, begin your journey towards the ultimate.Take small steps towards the Truth; towards this inquiry into life – “What is the goal of life?” This very inqu ...
  5. How To Save A Strained Relationship

    Below is a continuation of the post Journey Back To The Source) How do I handle racism and bullying? I am victimized. How do I handle this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First of all get out of this victim consciousness. When you feel you are a victim, you keep l ...
  6. What is the significance of the Birth and Death process? I do not feel anything after doing the process.

    That is alright. See, some of you would feel something or have an experience in some process, some of you may have an experience in another process. Everybody will get something somewhere. It is because your mind is so tricky, it is stuck in so many ave ...
  7. I experience some pain in the body after coming out of meditation. What can I do? Please advise.

    Well, you need not worry much about this. Experiences keep changing all the time. Every time you meditate, what happens is that the structure of the brain changes. The grey matter in the brain increases when you meditate. A lot of good things happen whe ...
  8. How can I build a happy and successful relationship with my husband so that the relationship remains constant?

    First of all, do not go after building a successful and happy relationship. Take it for granted that your relationship is already happy and successful. That is because the moment you want to build something, you start behaving unnaturally. You ar ...
  9. Why do people get into bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol? How can we make them realize the importance of sadhana, seva and satsang?

    See, people feel some lack or vacuum in their life, as if something is missing. To fill that gap, people try to forget themselves by latching on to intoxicants. You simply have to tell them that you can give them a better intoxicant, a much higher brand ...
  10. How do I handle racism and bullying? I am victimized. How do I handle this?

    First of all get out of this victim consciousness. When you feel you are a victim, you keep looking for a culprit, and you get so upset. You will pity yourself, and one needs to get out of this. In this world, there are good people and there are ...